Diagnostic reading test for early diagnosis

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The diagnostic reading test for early diagnosis (DLF 1-2) is a performance test to assess reading ability in the first two grades of primary school for the prophylaxis and early treatment of reading and spelling disorders . The testing takes place individually with only one test person and not in a class.

Test design and area of ​​application

The test (available in two parallel forms equivalent in terms of difficulty and reliability) contains 33 items in the form of single words. These are divided into four groups: memory (10 words), synthesis (9 words), segmentation (8 words) and analysis (9 words). In addition, there are six additional procedures for the most accurate diagnosis of the necessary early intervention: letters, synthesis, signal groups, common words, consonant groups and compound words. The task is to correctly read the words presented one after the other. The evaluation is quantitative and qualitative. In quantitative terms, the number of words incorrectly read or not read out within 20 seconds is recorded as reading errors and separately the number of words not read immediately within two seconds. The qualitative evaluation is based on the word groups in order to determine priorities in the need for support. The processing time is between 2 and 6 minutes.

The service focuses on students from the end of the first grade to the middle of the second grade.

Test quality criteria

The quality criteria of psychodiagnostic methods are met:

  1. Objectivity : Standardization in implementation, evaluation and interpretation.
  2. Reliability : The reliability according to the parallel test method is classified as high (r = .96), according to the retest method the procedure has not yet been tested.
  3. Validity : The validity was determined via correlation with the teacher's rating (.73 to .81).
  4. Norms : The test calibration took place in 1983 on a sample of 320 students at the end of the first grade and 405 students in the middle of the second grade.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. R. Müller, Ed. By K. Ingenkamp: Diagnostic reading test for early diagnosis . Beltz Test, Weinheim 1984.
  2. Ed. By E. Brähler , H. Holling , D. Leutner, F. Petermann : Brickenkamp manual of psychological and educational tests . Hogrefe, Göttingen 3rd edition 2002, p. 379
  3. http://vts.uni-ulm.de/docs/2010/7260/vts_7260_10259.pdf , p. 18