Diagonal waistband

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Diagonal waistband
Diagonal waistband
Type Federation
application Connection of two beams
Ashley No. 2115
Synonyms Slate parallel collar
English Diagonal lashing
List of nodes
Knotting instructions

The diagonal waistband is a knot for connecting two beams. Scouts use the federal government for camp constructions.


The rope is tied to a beam with a weaving line or a carpenter's knot. This is followed by three windings over both bars. First they go over the obtuse angle, then over the acute angle. The collar is then protected from slipping by toggles. The loose end is then attached to the beam with a weaving line.


If the beams are at right angles to each other or if they are square timbers, the crossbeam can also be used, which offers more stability. For parallel bars, the suitable parallel Bund .

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