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Dialogismos ( Greek  διαλογισμός , literally "passage through the bills") was called the Judgment Day ( conventus ) in Egypt , which the Praefectus Aegypti held annually between January and April in various cities in the country. He spoke on various topics, such as financial matters, liturgy disputes or general public works law.

The convent varieties were (as far as known): Pelusium (eastern Nile delta ), Naukratis (western delta), Xois , Iuliopolis , Memphis (Middle Egypt), but also Ptolemais Euergetis , Antinoupolis and Herakleopolis . Also Koptos and Hermonthis (both Upper Egypt) could have counted to the Convention places.

From the 2nd century AD the term is also Greek  διαλογισμὸς καὶ δικαιοδοσία - dialogismos kai dikaiodosia ( conventus and jurisprudence).

The summons to a dialogue was called παραγγελία - parangelia in Greek  and was normally addressed to the Gau strategist .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rudolf Haensch : On the convention order in Aegyptus and the other provinces of the Roman Empire , In: Akten des 21. Internationale Papyrologenkongresses , Berlin 1995 (APF, supplement 3), Stuttgart-Leipzig 1997, p. 320–391, here p. 330– 332.
  2. ^ Haensch, Konventsordnung, pp. 331 and 392. Compare N. Lewis, The Prefect's Conventus: Proceedings and Procedures , in: Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists  18, 1981, pp. 119–129, here p. 120, fn. 3-6.
  3. See Haensch, Konventsordnung, p. 342.
  4. ^ Lewis, Conventus, pp. 86 and 89.