The Habsburg Monarchy 1848–1918

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The Habsburg Monarchy 1848–1918 is a series of publications of a scientific nature published on behalf of the Commission for the History of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy within the framework of the Austrian Academy of Sciences .

Editing of the series was carried out for volumes I to VI by Adam Wandruszka and Peter Urbanitsch , and since volume VII by Helmut Rumpler and Peter Urbanitsch. The compilation is published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences .

Volume I (published 1973) deals with the economic development of the last decades of the Danube Monarchy , Volume 2 (1975) with administration and the legal system, Volume III (1980, in two volumes) with the different ethnic groups of the multi-ethnic state . Volume IV (1985, new edition 1995) was devoted to the denominations, Volume V (1987) to the army and Volume VI (in two volumes, 1989 and 1993) to international relations. Volume VII (2000) also appeared in two volumes and dealt with questions relating to the central and regional representative bodies of the Reich.

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