The high school of the art of war in business negotiations

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The High School of the Art of War during business meetings ( Chinese  商务谈判高阶兵法 , Pinyin Shangwu Tánpàn Gāojīe Bīngfǎ ) is a 2008 in Chinese published adviser to the Taiwanese negotiating researcher Liu Birong . The work was translated into German by the sinologist Florian W. Mehring and commented on. As far as is known, this is the first Western translation of a negotiating guide aimed at the Chinese. The German-language commented translation was published in 2017.

Content of the work

The Chinese original work, which is largely popular science, is based on video recordings of numerous lectures by Liu Birong on a wide variety of topics, which were put into writing and published by Beijing University . The work is primarily aimed at Chinese business people and deals with different areas in the areas of negotiation theory and practice. In addition to the theoretical framework, practical case studies play a major role within the work.


  1. Assess a negotiation constellation
  2. Create a negotiation dead end
  3. The gateway to a negotiation and the perspective of a negotiation
  4. The five negotiating structures
  5. The display of cards in a negotiation
  6. Tricks at the negotiating table
  7. The negotiation tactic scheme
  8. The ten steps in a negotiation

Commentary by the sinologist Florian W. Mehring

According to Mehring, many Western negotiation concepts are not applicable to negotiations with Chinese participation. In the course of his research on negotiating concepts in China, Mehring came to the conclusion that the negotiating guides with a reference to China that had previously appeared in the West were generally only written from a Western perspective. The often clichéd statements in such works are superficial and do not give readers a deeper understanding of Chinese negotiation practices. The translation of Liu Birong's work is intended to give the German-speaking audience an insight into the preparatory work of Chinese business people. Since Liu Birong is one of the most influential negotiation experts in China and Taiwan, the work has a representative character.

In the comment Mehring u. a. compared individual aspects of Liu Birong's book with common Western negotiation guides. In addition, the work is examined taking into account the 36 stratagems generally known in the Chinese-speaking cultural area .

An essential core of Mehring's commentary is the comparison of the high school of the art of war in business negotiations with other negotiating advisers widely used in the West, including the Harvard concept . Many of the taboo tactics there are used without reservation by Liu Birong, who uses stratagems in his work . According to Mehring, this could lead to unpleasant situations in international negotiations with Chinese participation. For example, one side could show behavior that it considered cunning and legitimate, but the other considered underhanded. It is also possible that a negotiating partner who follows the stratagems will see it as an indication of a lack of intelligence if his counterpart communicates openly and trustingly. It is therefore important for a negotiator to know which concept the negotiation of the other party is based on, so that unnecessary conflicts can be avoided.

Web links

  • Book Description of the translator and commentator with a few short reading examples [2]
  • Interview with Florian W. Mehring in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung from January 16, 2017 about negotiation strategists [3]
  • Interview with Florian W. Mehring in the Badische Zeitung from January 16, 2017 Chinese negotiation strategies [4]
  • Press release from the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg on the work "The high school of the art of war in business negotiations: Commented translation of a counselor aimed at the Chinese by negotiation researcher Liu Birong" [5] ( pdf )
  • Liu Birong's website [6] (Chinese)


  • Florian W. Mehring: The high school of the art of war in business negotiations - Annotated translation of a counselor addressed to the Chinese by negotiation researcher Liu Birong. Publishing house Dr. Kovac, Hamburg 2017, ISBN 978-3-8300-7966-8 .
  • Liu Birong: Chinese  商务 谈判 高阶 兵法 , Pinyin Shangwu Tanpan Gaojie Bingfa ( The high school of martial arts in business negotiations ). Chinese  北京大学 出版社 , Pinyin Beijing Daxue Chubanshe (Peking University Publishing House), Beijing 2008. ISBN 9787301136201 .

Individual evidence

  1. Liu Birong 刘必荣: Shangwu Tanpan Gaojie Bingfa 商务 谈判 高阶 兵法. "Beijing Daxue Chubanshe 北京大学 出版社 (Peking University Publishing House), Beijing 2008.
  2. Florian W. Mehring: "The high school of the art of war in business negotiations: Commented translation of a counselor addressed to the Chinese by the negotiation researcher Liu Birong." Kovac, Hamburg 2017, book spine.
  3. Florian W. Mehring 2017, p. 17.
  4. Interview with FW Mehring: “Breeding ground for misunderstandings”. In: Freiburg Weekly Report of February 1, 2017, p. 5, [1]
  5. How the Chinese negotiate and Western business partners can adjust to it . ( [accessed on April 26, 2017]).
  6. ^ Badische Zeitung: Wirtschaft: BZ-Interview: Freiburg sinologists on Chinese negotiation strategies . ( [accessed on April 25, 2017]).
  7. Mehring 2017, pp. 16–19, 298–302.
  8. Press release from the University of Freiburg: Recognize cunning behavior, avoid conflicts. Retrieved April 26, 2017 .