The hungry and the satiated

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The Hungry and the Sated is the second novel by the German journalist and writer Timur Vermes . The satirical novel was published by Eichborn Verlag in 2018 .


At the center of the plot are 150,000 refugees from African countries who initially gathered in the largest refugee camp in the world in the southern Sahara . You set out on foot to a Europe that appears to be isolated, initially covering 15 km a day. The borders of the transit countries initially prove to be relatively easy to overcome. Ultimately, no one outside of Germany can (and does not want to) prevent the many refugees destined for Germany, who are joined by other people east of the Suez Canal , from reaching the vicinity of the Austrian-German border. The attempt of the refugees to reach Germany as a mass of people across this border ends in a catastrophe.

The plot is shown

  • from the perspective of the media-effective leader of the refugees, who is called "Lionel",
  • from the point of view of representatives of the fictional private television station "",
  • from the point of view of the representative of a women's magazine as well
  • from the perspective of German politicians.


Immediately after its publication, the book took first place in the bestseller list of fiction hardcover.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Specimen copy DNB 1159518602 at the German National Library .
  2. The hungry and the satiated | Luebbe. Retrieved on September 6, 2018 (German).
  3. Timur Vermes and Sarrazin from zero to first place ,, September 5, 2018, accessed on September 6, 2018
  4. bestseller list fiction hardcover ,, September 5, 2018, accessed on September 6, 2018
  5. Best seller: Timur Vermes also succeeds with his novel number 2 at number 1 ,, published and accessed on September 6, 2018