The carriage

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The Kalesche , also The Carriage and the Equipage ( Russian Коляска , Koljaska ), is a short story by the Russian writer Nikolai Gogol , written in 1835 and published in April 1836 in the very first issue of Pushkin's Sovremennik in Saint Petersburg .


The first-person narrator thinks that life came to the sleepy district town of B. when the brigadier general's cavalry regiment was placed there. So Pifagor Pifagorowitsch Tschertokuzkij, one of the landowners living in B., also revived. Tschertokuzkij had previously also served in a cavalry regiment and at that time led the young girls to dance at balls in the Tambov and Simbirsk governorates . At home on his estate in B. Chertokuzkij has a pretty young wife.

When the general in B. is drinking with his officers, Chertokuzky must by no means be absent. On such an evening, Chertokuzky invited the general and his officers to a feast on his estate the following afternoon. There, standing in the car remise a supposedly comfortable carriage for four thousand rubles ready for sale.

On the evening before that announced meal, Chertokuzkij celebrates with the officers until well after midnight and goes to bed drunk at home around four in the morning. The lord of the manor was still asleep when the general and his officers drove into the manor that afternoon. Shaken from sleep by the surprised wife, Chertokuzkij - wearing a nightgown - has to hide from the crowd. The landlord takes refuge in the coach house. The hiding place does not seem safe enough to the confused Chertokutsky. He is hiding from the officers approaching in the four thousand ruble carriage. The general takes a look at the unsightly vehicle and suspects that the value of this precious carriage can only be found in the interior. Inspection of the vehicle brings the "host" in the nightgown to daylight. "Ah, so here you are!" Marveled the general.


Used edition

  • The carriage. German by Johannes von Guenther , pp. 249–269 in Johannes von Guenther (Ed.): Nikolai Gogol: Gesammelte Werke. Volume III in Nikolai Gogol: Collected works in five volumes. Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 1952

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Russian Governorate of Simbirsk
  2. Edition used, p. 269, 6th Zvu
  3. Russian Коляска
  4. Russian Вячеслав Круглик (born in Saint Petersburg)