The tender sisters

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The tender sisters is a play in three acts by Christian Fürchtegott Gellert , published in 1747. The first performance was on May 6, 1749 in Leipzig .

The play is related to the Enlightenment : Gellert wanted to create the model of a comedy whose characters are not laughed at because they do not belong to the nobility . The bourgeois figures show here that they are capable of noble action, regardless of religious good behavior. In this context, money plays an important role. In doing so, the author founded a German branch of the touching comedy that was being discussed in Paris around Denis Diderot .


Cleon is the father of two daughters, Julchen and Lottchen, who he lovingly takes care of. Then there is the Magister, a brother of Cleon, and Simon, the guardian of the wealthy Damis. Lottchen loves poor Siegmund, while the younger Julchen receives marriage proposals from the rich Damis. Lottchen wants to help her little sister's happiness on the jumps and urges her to marry. In addition, Siegmund, Lottchen's lover, is supposed to pretend a love for Julchen in order to get Julchen on the right path through confusion. Simon wants to put Lottchen to the test and therefore pretends that Julchen is getting rich from an inheritance from the deceased Frau Auntie. Lottchen is happy about her sister's supposed happiness, while Siegmund Lottchen is unfaithful and woos Julchen. Finally, the true circumstances are revealed. Lottchen is the true heiress and has to understand that Siegmund is not worthy of her and that marriage is no longer an option. Julchen chooses Damis and marries him.



Cleon is Lottchen's and Julchen's father. It is very important to him that his two daughters are married as quickly as possible and that they are housed safely.

The master

The Magister is Cleon's brother. He is a studied and well educated man.


Lottchen is Cleon's older daughter. She's not quite as beautiful as her younger sister. She is always unselfish and sacrifices her happiness for the benefit of her sister.


Julchen is Cleon's younger daughter. In the beginning she doesn't think much of marriage, she values ​​friendship and her beloved freedom very highly. But in the end she decides to marry Damis.


Siegmund is Lottchen's lover. He lost all his fortune in an unfortunate lawsuit by his father, but Lottchen still loves him very much. But he is increasingly unfaithful to Lottchen. After the alleged inheritance at the latest, nothing keeps him with Lottchen. In the end this will be his undoing and he will be left alone and excluded.


Damis is a rich, sensible, and gallant young man. His love for Julchen is so great that he wants to marry her even though she comes from a poor family.


Simon is Damis' guardian. By simulating the inheritance for Julchen, he stirs up relationships between the people. This went so far that the marriage between Lottchen and Siegmund did not take place. For this, Julchen and Damis get married.


Elevator 1

Appearance 1: People: Cleon, Lottchen
Julchen's lover comes to visit Cleon's annoyance. Because he wants the oldest daughter to marry Lottchen first. Damis, the applicant for the favor of the sister, who, as a rich, gallant and sensible man, wants to marry a woman from a poor family, values ​​her. She is happy for her younger sister and wants to convince her to marry. The father likes this because a daughter is now being cared for. The father talks to Lottchen about Siegmund, her lover. Siegmund lost his fortune through an unfortunate lawsuit by his father, but not his interest in Lottchen. Cleon praises his older daughter Lottchen's demeanor and maturity. Siegmund steps into the room, only noticed by his father. Lottchen confesses her love for Siegmund to her father.

Enter 2: People: Cleon, Lottchen, Siegmund
Siegmund arrives and Lottchen asks him if he has overheard the conversation. He tells her that he is pleased with what he heard. He has never heard anything so beneficial about himself. She takes all her courage and openly confesses her love to Siegmund. Siegmund doesn't know how to behave, his heart beats for Lottchen, but he doesn't know whether he deserves his mistress. Cleon notices that Siegmund is embarrassed in his presence and leaves the two of them alone.

Enter 3: People: Lottchen, Siegmund
Siegmund is not sure whether Lottchen meant her words seriously or whether she regrets her words the next day. Lottchen explains to him that this is by no means the case and that she does not want to miss any time with him. Although he recognizes the satisfaction of Lottchen, it depresses him that he cannot make her happy - as far as money and goods are concerned. Julchen will be far happier with her applicant. Lottchen is offended that he should say such a thing and explains that she is happy with what she has in him.

Stage 4: People: Lottchen, Siegmund, Damis
Damis is sad because his intention to make Julchen his bride threatens to fail. Because the more he woos and courted Julchen, the more sensitive and mimosa-like she becomes, which in turn displeases her admirer. Lottchen encourages him. This is only a sign that she wants to "piss off victory" in the heart. You just have to get her to follow her heart. Lottchen and Siegmund want to support Damis. Siegmund should pretend a love for Julchen, which should bring her heart into a mess so that she can recognize her real love for Damis in anger. Siegmund does not like this task.

Enter 5: People: Lottchen, Damis, Julchen
Julchen actually only came because Cleon called everyone. She wants to go right back because she doesn't want to talk about love. Lottchen asks her to stay and wants to talk to her about Damis. Julchen replies that Damis had promised not to talk about love anymore. Damis stands by his word and tells her that he is no longer her lover . But he wants to be a good friend to her. Julchen agrees. Lottchen leaves the room with Siegmund, they want to go to Cleon.

Stage 6: People: Damis, Julchen
Julchen explains Damis the good relationship she has with her sister. At the same time, however, she also clearly states that they are by no means of the same opinion on love. Julchen doesn't think much of love, not like her older sister, she prefers friendship. Damis agrees with her, having promised not to talk to her about love anymore. Julchen notices that Damis is not happy with the situation and that it is giving him a lot of trouble to suppress his love. Julchen is also unsettled because Damis speaks to her like a lover on one occasion and as indifferently on another time as if he had seen her for the first time. Julchen explains to Damis that she values ​​her freedom more than love. Damis interprets Julchen's statements that she hates him. Julchen denies that. Damis resigns disappointed.

Enter 7: People: Julchen
Julchen is now alone and very insecure. She doesn't quite know why Damis left. She's no longer sure if she really doesn't love him. She concludes that his pride made him leave and that he no longer loves her.

Enter 8: People: Julchen, Lottchen
Lottchen wonders why Julchen is so alone and speaks to herself, because otherwise she doesn't. Lottchen talks to her younger sister about the incident with Damis. Your conversation is getting heated. Julchen accuses Lottchen that an older sister always has something to complain about with the younger one. Lottchen leaves offended, but at the same time tells her that she will talk to her again.

Enter 9: People: Julchen, Der Magister
The Magister appears. Julchen is not happy about his presence and asks him what he would like. As an experienced man, he would like to make you think again. He says she is rushing to make a decision about Damis. Julchen lets him understand that she is not interested in his teachings. But he absolutely wants to present his views, since he had promised Cleon this. Nature proves that love is the only way to continue. And whoever wants the end must also accept the means - the means is love. He can't convince Julchen. She doesn't see love as a duty. She wants to wait until she is bewitched by love. In the Magister's opinion, she turns a blind eye to his clearest evidence. Julchen apologizes for not making use of the Magister's moral code and leaves him.

Enter 10: People: The Magister, Cleon
The Magister explains to Cleon that he would have done everything possible to convince his younger daughter. But he could not do anything, she had contradicted him again and again. They discuss how far they have succeeded and how they could bring Julchen to the wedding with Damis. They decide that the Magister should show her the merits of marriage with the help of fables , allegories and parables .

Enter 11: People: Cleon, Lottchen
Lottchen brings her father a note from Damis' guardian. In the message, the guardian says he wants to come over and talk to Cleon about the wedding. Cleon is very pleased because he hadn't thought that he would get the guardian's approval for the wedding. Lottchen encourages the father that Julchen would also agree to a wedding. She suspects that Julchen is secretly planning a wedding. Lottchen sees her beloved freedom in Damis. Cleon promises his daughter that if he gets fortune from the will of the deceased Aunt Stephan, he will support his daughters with the wedding. Cleon demands of Lottchen that she should do her best to get Julchen's yes-word today.

Appearance 12: People: Siegmund, Lottchen
Siegmund spoke to Julchen in the absence. But it is also inconclusive as to what is going on now. Because love and friendship speak out of their eyes and their mouth at the same time. Siegmund reaffirms his love for Lottchen. Lottchen tells Siegmund about his father's upcoming inheritance.

Elevator 2

At the beginning of the second act, Cleon talks to his younger daughter Julchen about her relationship with Damis. At the end of the conversation, Julchen explains to the father that she is still very undecided and that he should give her freedom. The father is not happy about the constant talk about freedom, but explains to his daughter that he is granting her freedom and does not want to force her to do anything. Julchen explains to her admirer that she cannot decide, but that he should stay with her. Damis then talks to her big sister about Julchen, but the two of them cannot make up their minds about the problem between them. Damis explains to Julchen that he wants to leave her. Julchen is appalled by his decision. Lottchen tells Damis her satisfaction that he and her little sister do not dare to confess their love to one another because of so much love. Simon comes to Lottchen and tells her full of joy that the late Auntie had bequeathed all of the manor to her. But then it turns out that he mixed up the sisters and the wealthy heiress is the younger sister. Lottchen is still happy for Julchen. Siegmund finds out about the inheritance . He is no longer sure whether he really loves the right one with Lottchen. For a long time he has seen many advantages in Julchen and now the inheritance is added. But he also sees that he has no advantages compared to Damis. Siegmund talks to Julchen and you can see from a distance that he is very impressed with her. Shortly afterwards he is not sure whether he did her wrong. But he comes to the conclusion that Lottchen himself has given him the task of making himself in love with Julchen, and if this doesn't work, he still has Lottchen. The Magister tells Julchen a fable, but she doesn't like it, and she makes it clear to him. After talking to Cleon, Siegmund believes that his case is clear. He wants Julchen. The two daughters and their lovers are united and start talking. Julchen tries to convince Damis that he will stay with Julchen, but the inheritance doesn't stop him from leaving either. Julchen is both shocked and delighted when she found out about the inheritance. She would like to share with her sister and father, because they came away empty-handed. But the father rejects his daughter's generosity. She should share with the sister. Cleon discusses with his daughter who is the right one for her. He also brings Siegmund into play. But Julchen refuses, because everything she has in him, she also has in Damis. Then why shouldn't she love Damis? The father is very pleased about it. The father gives his daughter a deadline. In the evening, when everyone is sitting together, she should announce her decision. Julchen would have nothing against the marriage, if only she would not lose her freedom as a result.

Elevator 3

Siegmund leads Julchen into believing that Damis is cheating on her. He said that he would prefer Lottchen over her. Julchen is very disappointed and confronts Damis. Damis tries to deny the accusations and explain that these words are not his. At the same time Julchen Damis confesses that she could never hate him because she loves him so much. Simon explains to Lottchen that she is the heiress and not her sister, as was believed. He said he was wrong. She can't really be happy because she doesn't know how to confess this to her sister. Lottchen is with Siegmund when a servant brings a letter for Lottchen. She reads it in the presence of the others. It says that Siegmund is a fraud and she shouldn't mourn him. Siegmund tries to turn the allegations away and wonders who his enemy is. It shakes him up and he chooses Lottchen, since she is now the right heiress. Julchen discusses with her Damis what suffering Siegmund did to her sister. Simon joins them and tells Julchen about the first false message about the will. Julchen is visibly disappointed with the information. Damis doesn't mind this that much. He again affirms his love for Julchen. The Magister comes to Simon and Julchen. Together they look for a way to make Lottchen understand that Siegmund is not suitable for them. Simon goes to Lottchen to talk to her about Siegmund. He admits he wrote the letter and explains what made him do it. Lottchen does not believe Simon, she stands by Siegmund and condemns Simon as a cheater. After Simon, Damis is now trying to convince her. He shows how Siegmund cheated on her. She doesn't believe him either. He should look for Siegmund and come to her with him. Now the two sisters are alone. Julchen also tries to convince her sister that Siegmund is the cheater. Lottchen slowly realizes what has happened. She wonders if this is the reward for her loyalty. Siegmund joins them and happily reports on the father's encouragement to marry. Lottchen confronts him. He can apparently convince the two of his innocence. At the end everyone is gathered. Lottchen uses this opportunity and sends Siegmund into the desert. After the assembly has given its approval, the last elevator ends.


  • Christian Fürchtegott Gellert: The tender sisters . Ed .: Horst Steinmetz (=  Reclams Universal Library . No. 8973 ). Philipp Reclam jun., Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-15-008973-6 .


  • Albert Meier : Christian Fürchtegott Gellert. In: The literature of the 18th century. Protocol of the lecture on November 13, 2006, pp. 5–6 ( online at Literatur-online of the University of Kiel ; PDF file; 100 kB).
  • Angelika Kemper: "Up, revived, you old Adam!": "Guilt" in German-language comedy of the 18th and early 19th centuries . Röhrig Universitätsverlag, St. Ingbert 2007, ISBN 978-3-86110-423-0 , pp. 144–155 ( limited preview in the Google book search).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Richard Daunicht: The emergence of the bourgeois tragedy in Germany (= sources and research on the language and cultural history of the Germanic peoples. New part 8 (132)). 2nd Edition. de Gruyter, Berlin 1965 (Reprint: 2018, ISBN 978-3-11-082262-5 ), p. 73 ( limited preview in the Google book search).