Dieter Kerner

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Dieter Kerner (born February 16, 1923 ; † November 2, 1981 in Mainz-Gonsenheim ) was a German specialist in internal medicine , medical historian and music historian ("pathographer of important musicians").

Kerner was born in Mainz as the only child of the doctor couple Gustav and Hedwig Kerner. At the age of 16 he already passed the Abitur at the Rhabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium. Released from work and later military service due to illness, he began studying human medicine at the University of Frankfurt / M., Where he also received his doctorate in 1947 . He then worked for 10 years at the University Clinic in Mainz . It was there that he met his future wife, the doctor Silvia Kleinicke. Together with her, he took over his father's medical practice in Mainz-Gonsenheim in 1957 after their marriage. The marriage resulted in 4 children. Kerner himself was not only an excellent music connoisseur, but also an excellent pianist, who, however, only appeared in small private circles. In addition to his practice with his wife Silvia (1929–2017), he was very active as a writer on the history of medicine. His main work "Diseases of Great Musicians" is still considered a standard work today and continues to attract wide interest at home and abroad. It was published in German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean and Hungarian. In addition to his writing activity, Kerner also repeatedly gave lectures to interested specialist audiences, including a. in front of the Mozart Society in Munich. Kerner's (controversial) thesis that Mozart did not die of natural causes , but rather fell victim to poisoning, aroused particular interest . In 1980, Kerner was awarded the renowned Ernst von Bergmann plaque by the German Medical Association. It was also included in the “Who is who” directory (1973–1980 yearbook). After his death, his wife continued the practice until 1993.

Publications (selection)

  • Diseases of Great Musicians , Volume 1 & 2, 1963, continued by A. Otte and K. Wink; 6th edition, Stuttgart, New York, Schattauer Verlag 2008
  • Paracelsus - life and work ; Schattauer-Verlag 1965
  • On Paracelsus ' terminal illness, Will und Rothe publishing house in Mainz, 1959
  • WA Mozart - The documentation of his death. On the 175th return of its violent end on December 5, 1966 , with Johannes Dalchow and Gunther Duda , Verlag Hohe Warte von Bebenburg, 1966
  • Doctor - poet ; Schattauer-Verlag 1967
  • Extraordinary images of life - individual representations on the subject of medicine and cultural history from two millennia ; Publishing house Haag + Herchen; posthumously 1989; W. Ritter

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Preface to the 5th edition. In: Andreas P. Otte , Konrad Wink , Karina Otte : Kerner's diseases of great musicians: the revision. Schattauer Verlag , 2008