Dieter von Gemmingen (exp. 1274/83)

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Dieter von Gemmingen (mentioned in 1274 and 1283 ) was probably the builder of the upper castle in Gemmingen and the progenitor of several branches of the barons of Gemmingen .


He is considered one of the three sons of Hans von Gemmingen (adult 1259) and is mentioned in the Wimpfen regional court judgment of 1274 together with his brother Schweiker von Gemmingen, known as Velscher . He is considered the builder of the upper castle in Gemmingen. In addition to his share in Gemmingen, he owned a house in Sinsheim and an estate in Hofen and Hilsbach . In 1274 he carried half of the palace in Hofen along with the burgrave of Burgau as a fief. The Württemberg book of nobility and arms shows the coat of arms of Ditherus de Gemmingen from 1283, with seven feathers as a crest ornament.


There is a certain amount of uncertainty about the family relationships of the early Gemmingen, so the name of Dieter's wife has not been passed down.

His descendants are:

  • Gertraut (married to Johann von Hirschhorn in 1270, married to Walter von Dalheim in 1306)
  • Konrad, called Maier von Wessingen (adult 1313 to 1335), ancestor of the Maier von Wössingen
  • Albert, called von Hoven (ext. 1300, his relationship with the other Albert is concluded through the circumstances of a pastor's presentation)
  • Albert, called von Hoven (ext. 1300 to 1328), progenitor of the side line of Hoven
  • Dieter, called the Giener (ext. 1323 to 1359), the progenitor of the branch of the Giener von Sinsheim

See also

References and comments

  1. Adolf von Oechelhäuser [Ed.]: The art monuments of the Grand Duchy of Baden (Volume 8.1): The art monuments of the districts of Sinsheim, Eppingen and Wiesloch (Heidelberg district) , Tübingen 1909, p. 172/173.
  2. Stocker (1895) regards this Gertraut as the daughter of Dieter. Reinhard von Gemmingen (1631) considered her to be the daughter of Albrecht von Gemmingen, but mistook her for a cousin of the same name.
  3. Reinhard von Gemmingen (1631) regards Konrad as the son of Dieter. Stocker (1895) sees Konrad rather as the son of Schelperus, an early Gemminger who is also said to be the progenitor of the Barons von Massenbach .
