Digital image

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Blue fish as a raster graphic
Staff of Aesculapius as a vector graphic

In a digital image , image content is represented and stored by whole numbers . In most cases the images are two-dimensional , and in order to keep the memory requirement low, the data is often binary- coded and, if necessary, also compressed .

Digital images can be generated in different ways . A basic distinction is made between two types of digital images:

Digital images can be processed , edited and reproduced using computers and software , and converted into standardized data formats such as JPEG , Portable Network Graphics (PNG) or Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) . In many file formats it is possible to enrich the image data with diverse metadata .

Digital images are invisible to humans per se, but can be visualized with suitable display devices such as computer monitors , projectors or printers .


One of the first computers that could process digital images back in the 1950s was the SEAC at the National Institute of Standards and Technology .

In order to research the phenomenon of the digital image in theory and practice, the DFG approved an interdisciplinary priority program in 2018, which is coordinated by the Institute for Art History at LMU Munich .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. What is a digital image? , University of Fine Arts Braunschweig, accessed on July 26, 2016
  2. The digital image. Draft for a DFG priority program