Dinner canceling

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The terms dinner canceling (from English dinner cancelingskipping dinner”) and evening fasting denote a type of nutrition or diet in which, depending on the daily rhythm, food is foregone from a certain time . So there is no meal in the evening. According to the recommendation of the supporters, there should be at least 14 hours between the last meal of the day and breakfast the next morning. This should give the body the opportunity to regenerate itself during the night without having to expend energy for digestion . During the food-free period, only calorie-free drinks such as water or herbal tea are permitted. In this respect, dinner canceling is also a form of intermittent fasting .

Proponents of this diet consider dinner-canceling not only a method of weight loss, but also believe in reducing the aging of the body in the sense of anti-aging . The assumption: so-called free radicals are formed during digestion , which are made responsible for the aging of the cells. If the body does not have to digest overnight, no free radicals are released during this time. In addition, dinner-canceling should lower the body temperature minimally overnight, which should be beneficial for regeneration. In addition, by not eating in the evening, the blood sugar level should drop slightly, which should lead to the formation of more hormones somatotropin and melatonin . Somatotropin is also known as growth hormone . It is supposed to promote the regeneration of the body cells, stimulate muscle building and slow down fat storage. Melatonin is believed to slow down the body's functions during sleep and thus reduce aging.


  • In the evening in particular, additional energy (see: physiological calorific value ), e.g. B. in the form of potato chips , sugar - or alcoholic drinks added, which is avoided by dinner-canceling.
  • By not eating in the evening without being used to, it can lead to cravings and uncontrolled eating.
  • In Mediterranean countries, dinner is the main meal of the day, which is often only eaten in the cool of the evening after 9 p.m. This fact has no negative effects on body weight or life expectancy there. However, the differences in the quality and choice of food and the general way of life must also be taken into account. In Italy, for example, it is also common to have only one or two cookies with coffee for breakfast, which has an effect similar to that of intermittent fasting.
  • The few scientific studies on this topic are altogether contradicting and do not give a consistent picture with regard to a dependency between time of eating and weight gain. Serious nutritionists like the German Nutrition Society do not consider the effectiveness of such a diet to be proven. Instead, the amount of food consumed and consumed over the entire day determines weight.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Dinner Canceling: Staying Young Without Dinner . (PDF) In: test 01/2003; Retrieved July 30, 2011
  2. Does eating late make you fat? In: DGEinfo , 03/2006 - Consulting practice; accessed on February 8. 2017