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Dionysicles ( ancient Greek Διονυσικλῆς ), son of Attinos, was a Greek sculptor from Miletus who worked in the second half of the 3rd century BC. Was active.

According to the report of Pausanias , he created a statue for Olympia of the Olympian Democrates from Tenedos , son of Hagetor, who was victorious in the fistfight of the boys. A statue base with the signature ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙΚΛΗΣ ΑΤΤΙΝΟΥ ΕΠΟΙΗΣΕΝ was found in Miletus. It was walled in in the forecourt of the Turkish bath at the Delphinion and is dated to 219/18 BC. Dated.



  1. ^ Pausanias 6:17 , 1.
  2. Georg Lippold : Greek sculpture (= handbook of archeology , vol. 3). Beck, Munich 1950. p. 359.