Diyllos of Athens

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Diyllos of Athens was a late 4th century and early 3rd century BC. Living Greek historian , whose work has been lost except for a few fragments.

life and work

Was probably a son of Diyllos Atthidographers Phanodemos . He wrote a 27-book universal history that continued the extensive historical work of the Ephorus of Kyme . According to Diodorus, this began with the description of the sacking of the Temple of Delphi at the beginning of the Third Holy War in 357/356 BC. And lasted until 297/296 BC. The death of Philip , the eldest son of the Macedonian king Kassander, followed . The work was divided in such a way that first of all in an introductory part the events from 357/56 to 341/340 BC. And in the following main part the further course of history up to 297/296 BC. Chr. Was told in more detail. Only a few fragments have survived. Accordingly, from a narrated at Athenaios , the burial of Philip III. Arrhidaios and other murdered family members of the Macedonian royal dynasty of the Argeades by Cassander in Aigai describing a fragment that in the 9th book of Diyllos' work the year 316/315 BC. Was reached. Plutarch reports that the portrayal belonged to the genre of "tragic" historiography. The aftermath of Diyllos, e.g. B. on Diodorus is uncertain. For his part, Diyllos found a continuation of his historical writing in Psaon von Plataiai .

Edition of the fragments


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  1. Michael von Albrecht : Diyllos. In: The Little Pauly (KlP). Volume 2, Stuttgart 1967, column 110.
  2. Diodor, Bibliothḗkē historikḗ 16, 4, 5; 16, 76, 6; 21, 5.
  3. a b Eduard Schwartz: Diyllos 2. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume V, 1, Stuttgart 1903, Sp. 1247.
  4. Athenaios, Deipnosophistai 4, 155a.
  5. Plutarch, Moralia 345 ef.
  6. FrGrH, No. 78 T 1.