Dmitri Leontjewitsch Kapka

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Dmitri Leontyevich Kapka ( Ukrainian Дмитро Леонтійович Капка , actually Kapkunow , Ukrainian Капкунов ; born October 26, jul. / 7. November  1898 greg. In Kiev , Russian Empire ; † 25. October 1977 ibid, Ukrainian SSR , Soviet Union ) was a Soviet theater - and film - actors of Ukrainian origin.


Kapka already played in 1917 under the direction of Panas Saksahanskyj at the Kiev theater . From 1918 to 1921 he took part in the Russian Civil War and was then envoy of the Ukrainian SSR to Poland until 1924 . In Warsaw closed Kapka 1923 also his acting training from, then stepped from 1924 to 1925 for the ensemble cast of the Ukrainian State Orchestra Dumka and belonged from 1935 to 1973 the Ukrainian Drama Theater "Ivan Franko" in Kiev on.

Kapka made his film debut in 1924 in Остап Бандура ( Ostap Bandura ), and the following year he was signed to the Ukrainian cinema studio . By the end of his life Kapka appeared in over 100 films, his only leading role he gave in 1969 in the work Сыновья уходят в бой ( Synowja uchodjat w boi ) produced by Belarusfilm . In addition to the film adaptation of The Silent Don (1957) and Alexander Rous' fairy tale film The Night Before Christmas (1962), he played, among other things, small supporting roles in the Soviet- Czechoslovak coproduction Большая дорога ( Bolschaja doroga ) and Velká cesta (1962), which were on Jaroslav Hašek's service based in World War I , and as an enemy general in the war film Сказка о Мальчише-Кибальчише ( Skaska o Maltschische-Kibalschische , 1964).

Kapka was named Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR in 1957 . He died shortly before his 79th birthday in Kiev. His wife Klawdija Petrovna, who brought a daughter into the relationship from her first marriage, survived him by almost 30 years.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1945: The Indomitable (Nepokorjonnye)
  • 1946: On the road (W dalnjem plawanii)
  • 1957: The silent Don - Part 1 (Tichi Don)
  • 1957: The silent Don - Part 2
  • 1958: The girl from Kiev (Kijanka)
  • 1959: Ataman Kodr
  • 1959: Pirates off Taiwan (Tscheswytschainoje proisschestbije)
  • 1962: The night before Christmas (Wetschera na chutore blus Dukanki)
  • 1966: The hiding place on the seabed (Aqualangi na dne)
  • 1967: Spring is coming soon (Skoro pridjot wesna)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. History of Dumka on a website of the Institute of encyclopedic research (Ukrainian), accessed on May 25, 2020
  2. a b c Biography of Kapka on (Russian), accessed on May 25, 2020
  3. a b Kapka's filmography on (Russian), accessed on May 25, 2020
  4. Film data for Сыновья уходят в бой on (Russian), accessed on May 25, 2020
  5. Большая дорога in the Internet Movie Database , accessed on May 25, 2020
  6. Сказка о Мальчише-Кибальчише in the Internet Movie Database , accessed on May 25, 2020
  7. Kapka's biography on (Russian), accessed on May 25, 2020