Dokhar Shabdrung Tshering Wanggyel

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Tibetan name
Tibetan script :
མདོ་ མཁར་ ཚེ་ རིང་ དབང་ རྒྱལ་
Wylie transliteration :
mdo mkhar zhabs drung tshe ring dbang rgyal
Chinese name
Simplified :
多卡夏 仲 • 才 仁 旺 杰
Pinyin :
Duoka Xiazhong Cairen Wangjie

Dokhar Shabdrung Tshering Wanggyel ( Tib . Mdo mkhar zhabs drung tshe ring rgyal dbang * 1697 , † 1763 ) was a Tibetan scholar, author and politician. He served under multiple regimes during the tumultuous era of the first half of the 18th century. Tshering Wanggyel was considered the right hand man and friend of Pholhanes ( pho lha nas ), who practically ruled Tibet from 1728 until his death in 1747, and was also his biographer (1733).

He was born into a noble family. At the age of fifteen he went to study at the Mindrölling monastery . For a long time he was Kalön ( bka 'blon "minister") of the Ganden government. In addition to his civil service, he was also an outstanding scholar who wrote several outstanding literary works.

His literary work gzhon nu zla med kyi gtam rgyud is considered the first Tibetan novel .

He is the author of an important autobiography , the biography of Kalön ( bka 'blon rtogs brjod ), which he completed in 1762, a year before his death.





Pholhane biography

See main article Pholhane biography ( mi dbang rtogs brjod ; Chin. Poluonai zhuan 颇 罗 鼐 传)

Gzhon nu zla med kyi gtam rgyud





  • Dan Martin, Yael Bentor (eds.): Tibetan Histories: A Bibliography of Tibetan-Language Historical Works (London, Serindia 1997), ISBN 0-906026-43-1 (No. 251, 270 , 271 ) - ( Addenda et Corrigenda )
  • Zangzu da cidian . Lanzhou 2003 (Articles: Duoka Xiazhong Cairen Wangjie, Galun zhuan, Boluonai zhuan, Xunnu damei)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. On his family see Galun zhuan (Autobiography of Dokharwa Tsering Wanggyel (1697-1763))
  2. 34 years after the ZZDCD (p. 193)
  3. engl. The Tale of the Incomparable Prince
  4. Chinese Galun zhuan 噶 伦 传; engl. The Autobiography of a Cabinet Minister; Autobiography of Dokharwa Tsering Wanggyel
Dokhar Shabdrung Tshering Wanggyel (alternative names of the lemma)
多卡夏 仲 • 策 仁 旺 杰 ; Dokhar Shabdrung; mdo mkhar zhabs drung; duo ka xia zhong cai ren wang jie; Duoka Xiazhong Cairen Wangjie; 多卡夏 仲 • 才 仁 旺 杰 ; Duoka Ciren Wangjie; 朵 喀 • 次仁 旺 杰 ; mdo mkhar tshe ring dbang rgyal; Dokhar Tshering Wanggyel; 多喀夏 仲 • 次仁 旺 杰; 多喀夏 仲 • 策 仁 旺 杰; 多卡瓦 • 才 仁 旺 杰 ; Bka'-blon Mdo-khar-ba; Mdo-mkhar Tshe-ring-dbang-rgyal; Mdo-mkhar Zhabs-drung Tshe-ring-dbang-rgyal; Duoka Cairen Wangjie; 朵 喀 • 才 仁 旺 杰 ; མདོ་ མཁར་ ཚེ་ རིང་ དབང་ རྒྱལ་ ; mdo mkhar tshe ring dbang rgyal; Mdo-mkhar Tshe-rin-dban-rgyal; Tshe Rin Dban Rgyal Mdo Mkhar Ba; Tshe-rin-dban-rgyal; Mdo-mkhar Zabs-drun; Dokharwa Tsering Wanggyel; Dokharwa Tsering Wanggyel; Dokharwa Tsering Wangyal; Tsering Wangyal; Dokharwa Tsering Wanggyel; mdo mkhar ba tshe ring dbang rgyal; Dokawa Cering Wangje; Duoka'er, Xiazhongcerenwangjie; Dokhar Zhabdrung Tsering Wangyel; Tse ring Ouang Gyal