Doctor of Science

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Doctor of Natural Sciences (Germany and Austria: Dr. rer. Nat. For Latin doctor rerum naturalium or Dr. phil. Nat. For Latin doctor philosophiae naturalis ; in English spelling RNDr, added; Switzerland: Dr. sc. Nat. For Latin doctor scientiarum naturalium ) is an academic degree .


The title is awarded after successful doctorate in the subjects of biology, chemistry, geography, geology, computer science, mathematics, pharmacy, physics or psychology in Germany exclusively by universities and technical colleges with the right to award doctorates. The exact requirements for a successful doctorate differ depending on the university and are set out in the respective examination regulations of the universities or faculties.

Different doctoral degrees can be awarded in the respective faculties according to different criteria. For example, the Faculty of Computer Science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology awards both the Dr. rer. nat. as well as the Dr.-Ing. The former is typically awarded for work in the field of theoretical computer science, the latter in the field of practical computer science. The doctoral degree is typically based on three to seven years of research activity in one of these subject areas with subsequent preparation of the dissertation (doctoral thesis) and an oral examination (defense). The dissertation usually consists of a monograph in which the research activity and its results are described. Recently, a cumulative dissertation can be submitted at some universities instead of the monograph , which, in addition to an introduction and discussion, consists of a collection of thematically related specialist articles that have undergone a peer review process and are already published in (mostly English-language) scientific journals were published. In the oral examination, the doctoral candidate defends his dissertation in a doctoral colloquium before a doctoral committee. Depending on the doctoral regulations and the career of the doctoral candidate, the oral examination can instead consist of a Rigorosum .

At the University of Frankfurt am Main in the MINT subjects of physics, as well as biochemistry, chemistry and pharmacy, the title Dr. phil. nat. awarded as an alternative to Dr. rer. nat. also at the University of Regensburg . In psychology, sports science, earth sciences / geography, computer science, mathematics and the life sciences, however, the Dr. rer. nat. forgive.

In Austria, it is awarded as a degree at a natural science faculty only by public (state) universities. There is also the academic degree Dr. nat. techn. Doctor of Natural Resources and Life Sciences ( BOKU Vienna), and the corresponding academic degree Bakk. rer. nat. and Mag. rer. nat. Private universities do not award the academic degree. Universities of applied sciences award MSc or M.Sc. Master of Science in Natural Sciences (or BSc or B.Sc. Bachelor of Science in Natural Sciences ).

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Müller: WAHRIG - The German orthography . tape 2 . Knowledge Media, 2007, ISBN 978-3-577-09120-6 , pp. 439 ( limited preview in Google Book Search [accessed February 10, 2019]).
  2. Duden for Dr. rer. nat.
  3. Doctoral Regulations for the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences of the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen from September 27, 2010
  4. Doctoral degree regulations of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 67 (KIT) for the KIT Faculty of Computer Science to obtain the doctoral degree in natural sciences (Dr. rer. Nat.) Or engineering (Dr.-Ing.)
  5. Doctoral degree regulations of the mathematical and natural science departments of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main dated May 26, 1993 (ABL. 1/94, p. 21) last amended on December 3, 2015 (PDF; 73.6 KB) In: January 4, 2016, accessed April 22, 2019 .
  6. a b c Ph.D./Doktor degrees at public universities. In: Retrieved April 8, 2019 . ; see. Academic degrees. In: November 2014, archived from the original on April 8, 2019 ; accessed on April 8, 2019 (see in particular the summary list of academic degrees ).
  7. This university traditionally stands between a natural science faculty and a technical university.