Dolly (book series)

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Dolly is the title of a girls' book series based on the Malory Towers series by English author Enid Blyton . The title is derived from the name of the protagonist Dolly Rieder in the German translation. In the English original, the main character is called Darrell Rivers .

Volumes by Enid Blyton (1-6)

Only volumes 1 to 6 of the series are from Enid Blyton . The names of the characters and places were Germanized, the translations also differ considerably from the English originals. Above all, they have been shortened, and entire chapters are sometimes missing.


Volume 1: Dolly is looking for a girlfriend ( First Term at Malory Towers )

Dolly Rieder came to Möwenfels Castle Boarding School at the age of twelve (Original: Malory Towers in Cornwall ). Unlike most of Enid Blyton's boarding school stories, Dolly is excited about her new school and full of good resolutions.

The headmistress is Ms. Greiling (original: Miss Grayling ), who gives a lecture to all new pupils about the fact that the most important thing is not good performance, but human qualities. She calls on the students to give a lot back to the school where they are given a lot. All of the students are deeply impressed by Ms. Greiling and adore her.

The class teacher is the energetic Fräulein Pott ( Miss Potts ), who is strict but fair. Mademoiselle Dupont teaches French - like all French at Enid Blyton, she is spirited and quick-tempered, but unlike her colleague Mademoiselle Rougier, she is quickly reconciled and usually in a good mood. Like “Mamsell” from the Hanni and Nanni series, she falls for every trick.

Besides Dolly, two other new students arrive, Evelyn Lessing ( Gwendoline Mary Lacey ) and Susanne Hoppe ( Sally Hope ). Evelyn is a spoiled only child, tearful, bad at school, unsporting and devious. Susanne is quiet and closed. Dolly admires Alice ( Alicia ), who loves hatching pranks, and joins her and her best friend Betty. In addition, she neglects her work.

Dolly's character flaw is revealed in the swimming pool: her hot temper, which she inherited from her father. When the malicious Evelyn dives the fearful Marlies ( Mary-Lou ) under water, Dolly falls on Evelyn and hits her. She also insults the class representative Kathrin ( Katherine ) - who supervises the other students and who all other girls have to obey. As always, Dolly's anger evaporates quickly, she is ashamed and apologizes to Evelyn and Kathrin.

Evelyn hates Dolly and Marlies from now on and seeks revenge, while Marlies thinks Dolly is a heroine who has saved her from drowning. Marlies pursues Dolly with her attachment and soon becomes annoying to her.

At the time of graduation, Dolly got a nasty surprise because she was among the worst students. Miss Pott makes it clear to her that she focused too much on stupid pranks and not done enough for school. Alice, according to Fraulein Pott, could afford such behavior, she is - despite her many follies - a very good student; But not Dolly.

One day there is an argument between Dolly and the quiet Susanne, who refuses to admit that she has a little sister, although Dolly's mother saw it with her own eyes. Dolly becomes irascible again and gives Susanne a push, whereupon she falls over a chair. The next day, Susanne is in the infirmary, and Dolly - she is already ashamed of her outburst of anger - feels guilty and believes that she has hurt Susanne. However, Susanne's disease turns out to be appendicitis. Dolly's father operates on her and saves her life.

Dolly and Susanne become friends after Susanne was able to talk to Dolly about her jealousy of her new sibling. Susanne now gives Dolly the advice to let the frightened Marlies do a brave deed: Dolly simulates a cramp in the swimming pool and calls Marlies to throw her the lifebuoy. The ring is not there, however, and Marlies, daring to die, throws herself into the water to save Dolly. Marlies is celebrated as a heroine and gains more self-confidence.

Dolly, Marlies and Susanne have become good friends, and Dolly's grades have improved. The jealous Evelyn is furious when Dolly explains to her for the first time what a certificate is - she has never received one, as she had previously had private lessons. Evelyn - she boasted about her supposedly outstanding achievements in front of her mother - is horrified and starts to work, but at the same time she still wants revenge on Dolly and Marlies. She crushes Marlies' pen and smears Dolly's shoe with ink. When Dolly comes under suspicion, only Marlies and Susanne stick with her, even Alice turns away from her. Marlies finally finds out the truth - she discovers Evelyn's ink-smeared shoes. All the girls apologize to Dolly, who decides to stay friends with Marlies and Susanne instead of Alice and Betty.

Volume 2: Eddy in Class 2 ( Second Form at Malory Towers )

In grade 2, Dolly's friend Susanne is the class representative. Alice, who had hoped for the office as the best in her class, is jealous and henceforth makes life difficult for Susanne. Class teacher is Miss Parker ( Miss Parker ).

Britta Mohr ( Belinda Morris ), Diana Türk ( Daphne Turner ) and Ellen Wieland ( Ellen Wilson ) are new to the class . Britta turns out to be a chaotic but ingenious draftswoman who inspires the classmates with her caricatures. She befriends Irene, the equally confused musical genius of the class. Ellen is a scholarship holder, but soon feels overwhelmed with the hard work and becomes difficult to deal with. Diana brags about her wealthy parents, which is why Evelyn is interested in them. The pretty Diana uses her winning smile to avoid inconvenience and, despite bad grades in French, is Mademoiselle Dupont's favorite.

The shy Marlies also admires the beautiful Diana - much to Dolly's annoyance, who reminds Marlies that she and Susanne are her friends. Marlies, however, only feels tolerated by Susanne and Dolly. She helps Diana with their French and also befriends her - Diana claims to jealous Evelyn that she is only taking advantage of Marlies, although she really likes Marlies.

Ellen is anxious about exams and decides to get the exam papers. She sniffs around and makes her classmates suspicious. When valuables disappear and it becomes clear that someone is stealing, Ellen comes under suspicion. Alice promises her suspicion of the head despite Susanne's ban.

During the night, Dolly watches Ellen sneak out of the dormitory and follows her. Ellen takes the class’s suspicion of theft as an excuse - since it is thought to be bad, she thinks she should be allowed to be - and looks for the exam papers. Dolly catches her reading and her anger reappears: She pounces on Ellen, insults her as a thief and cheat, and hits and shakes her. That same night, Ellen fell ill and went to the infirmary. When Ellen's bed is empty the next morning, the class thinks she has already been thrown out of school for theft. Dolly doesn't want to blacken Ellen, who is already branded, and doesn't tell anything about her attempted deception.

One day Diana wants to deliver an important package to the post office, but she has no time. Marlies goes in her place, although it is storming outside and Evelyn tries to dissuade her from her plan - it is too dangerous, and besides, Diana is only taking advantage of her anyway. Marlies goes anyway. Diana, who learns about Marlies' deed from Evelyn, is appalled that Marlies has put herself in danger, moreover in the belief that Diana doesn't care about her. Diana also goes out into the stormy night to look for Marlies. When she doesn't come back either, Evelyn alerts the class teacher.

Marlies has been blown over the cliffs by the storm and is struggling to hold on. Diana tosses her belt and saves her life.

The next morning, Dolly, Susanne, Irene and Britta look for Diana's parcel. It contains the missing items - so it becomes clear that Diana is not the thief, but Ellen. Diana's stories about her wealthy family turn out to be lies.

At Greiling's behest, Diana confesses theft and lies to the class - the class should decide whether Diana has to leave school or not. The class is impressed by Diana's great deed - saving Marlies - and decides to give her another chance.

Volume 3: A Horse in Boarding School ( Third Year at Malory Towers )

At the beginning of volume 3, instead of her best friend Susanne (who is ill), Dolly returns to Möwenfels with a new student from America, whose grandmother is a friend of Dolly's grandmother. As soon as Dolly sees the vain Marilyn Miller ( Zerelda Brass ), it is clear that the two girls will not become friends. Alice's friend Betty is also sick, which is why Dolly and Alice spend a lot of time together. When Susanne comes back, she reacts jealously.

In the foreground of volume 3 stands the horse-mad new student Wilhelmina, called Will ( Bill ), who is obsessed with her horse Donner ( Thunder ) and who neglects school. She is at war with the class teacher Fräulein Peters ( Miss Peters ), although she is a great horse lover herself. Miss Peters finally forbids Will to see Donner, and when she catches Will in the stable, she decides to send the horse home. Will is desperate.

Another leading role is played by the pretty American Marilyn, who is friendly and good-natured, but conceited - she dreams of a career as a film star. However, there is a lack of school performance: From the fourth grade, where she was even one of the oldest, she is transferred back to the third, to Dolly and her friends. The class makes fun of her, as well as Margot ( Mavis ), who already sees herself as an opera singer. The difference between the two girls is that Margot can actually sing, while Marilyn has no talent as an actress. During a rehearsal in literature class, Marilyn plays Shakespeare's "Julia" and clashes with the teacher, former actress Nora Nordberg ( Miss Hibbert ). Ms. Nordberg makes it unmistakably clear to her that she has no talent, but comforts her afterwards when she sees how sad Marilyn is and advises her to just be a normal schoolgirl.

In the English original there is a chapter that has been left out in the German translation: The girls are playing a prank that is only mentioned in passing in the German edition: With the help of sneezing powder, they give Mademoiselle violent fits of sneezing. All the girls are enthusiastic, only Susanne is against it, as she thinks the prank is dangerous to health. In fact, Mademoiselle is so exhausted from her sneezing fits that the girls worry. The whole class except for Susanne is punished. The German edition mentions that a prank was played with sneezing powder, but it is not described in detail. Susanne's exemption from punishment is explained by the fact that she had not yet been back to school at the time.

Margot hears about a talent competition in the neighboring town of Billstedt ( Billington ) and plans to take part to audition. Her classmates laugh at her, but Margot secretly goes out in the evenings.

That same night, Will and Dolly wake up because a horse is moaning in the stable - it's thunder that has colic. Will is beside himself with despair. Dolly wakes Miss Peters, who then rides to the vet in the middle of the rainy night. Will is grateful, and the previously hated Miss Peters becomes her favorite teacher.

On the way back from the vet Miss Peters finds Margot, who is soaked and completely exhausted on the street. After the event, at which she was not allowed to appear because of her young age, she missed the last bus, wanted to walk back in the storm and now has pneumonia. She will probably lose her wonderful voice - Margot is desperate, but Marilyn comforts her and gives her wife Nordberg's advice to be a normal girl instead of an aspiring star.

Dolly's big dream is to be the reserve player for an important handball game (original: lacrosse ). She trains hard and is bitterly disappointed when her name does not appear on the third reserve list. In fact, she just forgot to look at the list of actual team players - she's on the team itself! In the game, Dolly scores the decisive goal and is celebrated.

Volume 4: Dolly the class representative ( Upper Fourth at Malory Towers )

(Was called "class representative Dolly" in earlier editions)

In class 4, when important exams are pending, Dolly becomes the class representative. She would never have dared to dream about it because her temperament actually stands in her way. Her little sister Felicitas ( Felicity ) is new to school, as is Alice's cousin Irmgard ( June ). Dolly can't stand the cheeky Irmgard from the first moment, but Felicitas is enthusiastic about her. The fourth grade teacher is Miss Wagner ( Miss Williams ).

New to the class are Clarissa Edle von und zu Hartenstein ( Honorable Clarissa Carter ) and the unequal twins Connie and Ruth. Clarissa is inconspicuous and wears ugly glasses and ugly braces, but Evelyn makes friends with her - Clarissa's noble origins are important to her. Clarissa has a heart defect and Evelyn envies her for it. She decides to fake heart disease to avoid the final exam. Clarissa believes her, as does the naive Mademoiselle Dupont - all other classmates know that Evelyn is simulating.

The class wonders about the twins - Ruth lets herself be completely controlled by Connie, who even answers for her. However, Ruth is the much better student.

The fourth grade celebrates a midnight party at which Felicitas and Irmgard appear. The next day Dolly learns that Irmgard wants to tell Fraulein Pott about the party in order to cause trouble for the fourth grade, especially her cousin Alice. Dolly is beside himself and shakes Irmgard. At that moment Miss Pott comes in. Dolly - she is already ashamed again - has to give up her position as class representative. Susanne takes her place. All of her classmates comfort her, even Evelyn - but the latter makes fun of Dolly in front of Clarissa. Clarissa is outraged and turns away from Evelyn crying. She runs into Will, who suggests going out for a ride with her. Will and Clarissa become friends. Felicitas turns away from Irmgard when she is openly happy about Dolly's resignation and becomes friends with the nice Steffi.

On the visiting day, Clarissa hears Evelyn lying to her mother - she once again boasts of alleged top performances. Her mother believes her, although the parents should now know about the daughter's achievements from their certificates. Clarissa, who originally wanted to point out Evelyn's mother about Evelyn's heart problems, suddenly realizes that she no longer believes in Evelyn's heart defect. She remains silent, but Mademoiselle Dupont speaks to Evelyn's mother. Mrs. Lessing takes her daughter home with her, but the dizziness is soon discovered. Evelyn has to return to school and take the exams she didn't prepare for.

During the exams, of all people, Alice, whose previous carelessness has often annoyed the others, has difficulties. Miss Wagner is appalled by Alice's work and fears she is doing nonsense, but it turns out that Alice is sick - she has measles. However, she has experienced learning difficulties for the first time and decides not to make fun of others anymore. To Fraulein Wagner's astonishment, Ruth, too, wrote bad works.

At the end of the school year, there are mean pranks on Connie. Dolly sees through that Ruth is the perpetrator who wants revenge on the overpowering twin. Ruth deliberately wrote bad work under pressure from Connie in order to fail the exams and - like Connie - stay seated. Dolly tells Miss Wagner, but she can calm her down - Ruth is better off than she thinks and will with difficulty pass the exams. After the holidays, the twins will be in different classes and Ruth will finally be able to lead her own life. As a reward for her sensible behavior, Dolly becomes the class representative again.

Volume 5: Dolly's Big Day ( In the Fifth at Malory Towers )

The 5th grade should organize the Christmas party. The girls decide to Cinderella perform (Cinderella). Have Dolly write the text. She should also train the younger girls in handball (lacrosse).

The class representative is Martina Linder ( Moira Linton ), an imperious girl who repeats the school year. Katja Grau ( Catherine Gray ), who gets on the nerves of the class with her helpfulness and hypocrisy, also stayed seated .

A third new one is Margret Klein ( Maureen Little ), who looks very much like Evelyn, both inside and out. Evelyn doesn't like Margret, but she doesn't let her rest. Margret gets on the nerves of the whole class because she raves about her wonderful former school - "Haus Müseling" ( Mazeley Manor ), which Mademoiselle Dupont inadvertently calls "Haus Miesling" ( Measley Manor ) for the amusement of the class .

Both Evelyn and Margret want to play Cinderella and secretly rehearse the role that Marlies gets. Margot is given the role of prince, Alice is the magician. Evelyn fears she will have to play a wicked stepsister, but she only becomes a servant in the choir. The sisters are played by the twins Petty and Rita. Linda ( Louella ) is the fairy godmother. Irene composes melodies, Britta designs the set. Margret interferes everywhere and wants to participate, but the class makes fun of her.

During rehearsals there are always arguments, especially between the bossy director Martina and the unruly Alice. Finally, to Dolly's desperation, Alice gets out of the play.

There is a chapter in the original that is missing in the German translation: Mademoiselle Dupont has taken Irmgard's joke article catalog and is fascinated by the reading. She orders artificial teeth that give the wearer a frightening appearance and scares her students to death.

When Dolly selects players for an important handball game, she decides in favor of her sister Felicitas, among others, although she fears it would look like preferential treatment. Irmgard, who does not join the team, accuses her of exactly that, and Martina rebukes her. When Felicitas scores the decisive goal in the game, Irmgard is jealous.

Soon afterwards Martina receives malicious anonymous letters - Mademoiselle Dupont finds out that Irmgard wrote them. Mrs. Greiling wants to expel Irmgard from school, but Martina puts in a good word for Irmgard. Alice is grateful to Martina - she makes up with her and takes up her role in the play again.

Volume 6: Farewell to the Castle ( Last Term at Malory Towers )

In the sixth volume Dolly is the head girl, her friend Susanne is the captain.

In the class is a new girl, Amanda Kartowski ( Amanda Chartelow ), a promising athlete. She discovers a talent, namely Irmgard, and begins to train her. Irmgard makes progress, but does not get along with the domineering Amanda and breaks off class after an argument.

Evelyn fell out with her father. On Mrs. Greiling's advice, Dolly speaks to her conscience, but this is in vain. Dolly is very happy because Ms. Greiling describes her as a "success for Möwenfels".

Another new girl in Grade 6 is Mademoiselle Rougier's niece Nicolette ( Suzanne ). Like all French women in Blyton's work, she is well crafted and extremely unsporting.

Amanda dreams of swimming in the sea, which is strictly forbidden. Amanda swims out one morning anyway and gets caught in a vortex. Irmgard of all people saves her life. Amanda injured her leg so badly that a career in sports is out of the question. She then wants to teach others in sports, which she also has success.

Evelyn receives news that her father is seriously ill and will likely die. She regrets her behavior very much and travels home in despair after making up with Dolly. Your father will be saved from dying.

Names in the English originals

  • Möwenfels Castle: Malory Towers
  • Dolly Rieder: Darrell Rivers
  • Susanne Hoppe: Sally Hope
  • Alice Jahn: Alicia Johns
  • Betty Hiller: Betty Hill
  • Evelyn Lessing: Gwendoline Mary Lacey
  • Marlies: Mary-Lou
  • Irene: Irene
  • Ellen Wieland: Ellen Wilson
  • Diana Türk: Daphne Turner
  • Britta Mohr: Belinda Morris
  • Margot: Mavis
  • Marilyn Miller: Zerelda Brass
  • Wilhelmina Rodenstock ("Will"): Wilhelmina Robinson ("Bill")
  • Clarissa Edle from and to Hartenstein: Honorable Clarissa Carter
  • Conny Baumann: Connie Batten
  • Ruth Baumann: Ruth Batten
  • Jenny: Jean / Janet (originally two different characters who got the same name in German)
  • Martina Linder: Moira Linton
  • Katja Grau: Catherine Gray
  • Mrs. Greiling: Miss Grayling
  • Fräulein Pott ("Pöttchen"): Miss Potts ("Potty")
  • Miss Parker: Miss Parker
  • Miss Peters: Miss Peters
  • Miss Wagner (Volume 4) / Mrs. Wilhelm (Volume 5): Miss Williams
  • Mr. Jung: Mr. Young
  • Fräulein Jakob ("Jakobinchen"): Miss James ("Jimmy")
  • Miss Eich: Miss Oakes
  • Mademoiselle Dupont: Mam'zelle Dupont
  • Mademoiselle Rougier: Mam'zelle Rougier
  • Amanda Kartowski: Amanda Chartelow
  • Nicolette: Suzanne
  • Felicitas Rieder: Felicity Rivers
  • Irmgard: June
  • Steffi: Susan
  • Vivi: Daffy


As is so often the case with Enid Blyton, the vicious outsider, in this case Evelyn, has blonde hair and blue eyes and is unsportsmanlike (as is Angela in the Hanni and Nanni series). Sports play a big part in the dolly volumes; those who cannot keep up are either sickly or, if untalented, unfriendly and unsympathetic.

American women - in the Dolly series Marilyn, with Hanni and Nanni Sadie - are superficial and only interested in their looks and the cinema, but friendly and good-natured.

French women in Blyton's works are unsportsmanlike, love manual labor and have a hot temper.


In the Dolly series, too, female outsiders are treated in a way that, from today's perspective, can be equated with bullying . For example, girls who cannot classify themselves are cut, and Britta, the talented painter, makes caricatures of Evelyn and Katja, which she hangs up in class. This behavior is not criticized, but praised by the narrator.



Translations of the English originals

  • Volume 1: Dolly is looking for a girlfriend (First Term at Malory Towers)
  • Volume 2: Eddy in Class 2 (Second Form at Malory Towers)
  • Volume 3: A Horse in Boarding School (Third Year at Malory Towers)
  • Volume 4: Dolly, the class representative (Title of previous editions: Class representative Dolly) (Upper Fourth at Malory Towers)
  • Volume 5: Dolly's Big Day (In the Fifth at Malory Towers)
  • Volume 6: Farewell to the Castle (Last Term at Malory Towers)

Volumes 7-18 are not from Enid Blyton, but from German authors, mostly Rosemarie Eitzert . You are unknown in England. In the imprint of the books there are the entries "After Enid Blyton, told by Rosemarie von Schach" or "German adaptation: Rosemarie von Schach". (This is one of the author's pseudonyms, her best-known pseudonym is Tina Caspari).

Dolly completed two additional years in the “Möwennest”, a new sister school of Burg Möwenfels. She then returned to the castle as a tutor, later she became a housemother and finally - as the successor to Mrs. Greiling - director. She marries the teacher Klaus-Henning Schwarze and has a daughter, Katharina. The original British environment disappears completely in the new volumes, the stories adopt the German mentality.

  • Volume 7: Dolly is homesick for the castle
  • Volume 8: An exciting midnight party
  • Volume 9: The castle is having its biggest festival
  • Volume 10: See you at the castle
  • Volume 11: Wedding at Möwenfels Castle
  • Volume 12: The youngest black gull
  • Volume 13: Surprise at the Castle
  • Volume 14: Class reunion at the castle
  • Volume 15: A seagull festival in the seagull's nest
  • Volume 16: Dolly's most beautiful victory
  • Volume 17: A leading role for the castle
  • Volume 18: Say yes, Dolly!


A total of six edited volumes of three books have been published.

  • Anthology 1:
    • Dolly is looking for a girlfriend
    • Vortex in class 2
    • A horse in boarding school
  • Anthology 2:
    • Dolly, the class representative
    • Dolly's big day
    • Farewell to the castle
  • Anthology 3:
    • Dolly is homesick for the castle
    • An exciting midnight party
    • The castle is experiencing its biggest festival
  • Anthology 4:
    • See you at the castle
    • Wedding at Möwenfels Castle
    • The youngest castle gull
  • Anthology 5:
    • Surprise at the castle
    • Class reunion at the castle
    • A seagull festival in the seagull's nest
  • Anthology 6:
    • Dolly's best win
    • A major role for the castle
    • Say yes, Dolly!

In 1988 the Dolly Complete Edition appeared with 777 pages, in which Volume 18 is missing.

Radio plays

In 1977 the radio play label Zebra Dolly appeared as a radio play on LP. Hartmut Kiesewetter was the producer . Speakers included Biggi Schacht , Marianne Kehlau , Christine Venske , Meike Eggers , Sylvia Dudeck , Barbara Schipper and Michaela Pressler .