Sneeze powder

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Sneezing powder is a joke that irritates the nasal mucous membrane to such an extent that you involuntarily sneeze . Ground pepper , for example, is used as a substance . Sneezing powder is sold in sachets or soft plastic bottles.


The powdered root of the black hellebore was previously used as sneezing powder, but is no longer permitted under EU law due to its toxicity. Also, the Common soapwort , the swamp yarrow , the lily of the valley , the white and black hellebore , the wild ginger , the watercress , the black seed , arnica , ginger , basil and oregano were used in the past to Niespulverherstellung.


In the fairy tale The Dwarf Nose by Wilhelm Hauff, Niespulver helps the title hero back to his original appearance .

See also

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