Dolmen de la Pierre Levée (La Vallée)

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Dolmen de la Pierre Levée

The Dolmen de la Pierre Levée (also called Ensemble mégalithique de la Pierre Levée or Pierre Levée de la Roche ) is located southwest of La Vallée in the Charente-Maritime department in France . In France, dolmen is the generic term for megalithic structures of all kinds (see: French nomenclature ).

Dolmen de la Pierre Levée

The dolmen appears to be the remainder of a large double-chambered tomb. One chamber measures around 4.0 × 3.5 meters and is located to the east of the hill. The massive capstone lies on top of the fallen 10 or 12 bearing stones. To the west are the remains of the second chamber. It measures around 3.0 × 2.5 meters. Little more is left than a ruined rectangle of stones with a stone in the middle that could be the remainder of a capstone.

The dolmen has been classified as a monument historique since 1938 .

Web links

Commons : Dolmen de la Pierre Levée (La Vallée)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. There are about two dozen dolmens in France called La Pierre Levée .

Coordinates: 45 ° 53 ′ 17.8 "  N , 0 ° 50 ′ 47.5"  W.