Monticello dolmen

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The dolmen of Monticello is located near the village of Monticello north of Finalborge or Finale Ligure in Liguria in Italy . It is located in an area rich in prehistoric and protohistoric archaeological finds.

The east-west oriented dolmen consists of limestone from the Miocene . It has a horizontal capstone, three orthostats underneath it and a dry stone wall on which the capstone also lies. The capstone has a transverse "V-shaped" groove and the surface is eroded. A larger basin resembles the one on the stone altar above "Arma". The chamber has a maximum height of 100 cm.


Decades ago it was believed that the megalithic cultures did not cross the Alps in the direction of Italy. The only exceptions were Sardinia , Sicily and Puglia in southern Italy. Especially in Apulia, the dolmens and menhirs were traced back to immigration from the Balkan Peninsula. In the late 1980s, near Sanremo , in the province of Imperia , two round burial mounds were discovered, one of which was ascribed to the End Bronze Age . Therefore other Ligurian artefacts - especially in the finalese (menhir and dolmen of Verezzi) - gained importance.


  • B. Bagolini, G. Cremonesi: Il processo di neolitizzazione in Italia , Atti XXVI Riunione Scientifica IIPP 1987, 21-30.

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Coordinates: 44 ° 11 ′ 22.5 "  N , 8 ° 19 ′ 52.4"  E