Trainel dolmen

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Petit Dolmen from Trainel
Grand Dolmen of Trainel

The two dolmens of Trainel (Grand and petit dolmen de Trainel) are about 10 m apart in a clearing in the forest of Trainel, the northern part of the forest of Vauluisant, southwest of Saint-Maurice-aux-Riches-Hommes in the far north of the department Yonne in France . In France, dolmen is the generic term for Neolithic megalithic structures of all kinds (see: French nomenclature ).

The simple dolmens ( French dolmen simple ) are located in the remains of small hills on a western slope in the middle of the forest. The small dolmen consists of a 1.7 m long sandstone slab that rests partially on two supporting stones and forms a small chamber. The large one consists of a 2.3 m long capstone, which rests on two supporting stones and is surrounded by several sandstone blocks. Underneath is a chamber about 2.0 m long and 1.0 m wide.

The first detailed description of the dolmens dates back to 1915, although they were known beforehand. After a secret excavation by schoolchildren accompanied by their teacher, they fell into oblivion from 1927 onwards. In 1991 they were rediscovered after research by local historians.

They have been registered as a Monument historique since 1922 .

Nearby is the Lancy dolmen .

Web links

Commons : Dolmens de Trainel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 48 ° 19 ′ 57.3 "  N , 3 ° 28 ′ 39.6"  E