Domain snapping

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Under Domainsnapping refers to the automated monitoring of certain domains and registering, shortly after being released. For this purpose, special service providers ( backorder service , back snapping service ) are commissioned to automatically check, monitor and register the domains. The observation relates to domains that are about to expire (so-called expired domains ) or are offered for sale by the owner.

Frequent reasons for expiring domains can be that the domain owners are in default of payment, companies cease their business operations, domain owners die, domain owners cannot be reached by post, errors occur when transferring domains to another provider, homepages should no longer be continued, etc. These domains will then be registered as soon as possible by service providers in the name of the customer or resold to the customer. This domain trade can be economically successful as tens of thousands of domains become available every day.


The main reason for domain snapping is relevance to search engines . Particularly attractive are domains that are still relatively well indexed in the search engine results pages or that have an abundance of links (so-called backlinks). Homepages with a high PageRank are also very popular with buyers. With these domains z. B. separate Internet projects can be realized or the findability of existing projects in the search engines can be increased. Many buyers have domains with particularly popular keywords monitored and registered in order to use them as additional search terms.

Some domain owners, especially commercial domain dealers, fill domains acquired in this way temporarily or permanently with advertising and other content that is usually worthless for the visitor (so-called domain parking ). The success of pure advertising offers on parked domains is usually only short-lived, as the search engine crawlers regularly search the web , notice changes in the content and devalue the domain. The hope of these buyers is that the income from advertising will exceed the purchase price of the domain and thus generate a profit.

Instead, the completely new project planning of a domain with a new design and new content is more promising, whereby the content is based on the originally existing subject area.

See also