Domenico Amici

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Interior of St. Peter's Basilica (1835).

Domenico Amici (* 1808 in Rome , † unknown) was an Italian artist.

The Roman, who explicitly referred to himself as Roman on the cover picture of one of his works, pricked and etched mainly motifs from Rome and its surroundings. In addition to churches, it mainly depicted ancient remains. In Thieme-Becker it is noted as follows: engraved and etched mainly scenic and architectural vedute . Most of his pictures can be dated to the years 1833/34 and 1837. Another series of pictures showing the siege of Rome comes from the year 1849. He made his pictures either from the pictures of the German painter Carl Werner or from original views. His paintings were primarily intended for sale, especially to early tourists.


Web links

Commons : Domenico Amici  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. possibly 1871, see list of works