Domenico Dalla Bella

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Domenico Dalla Bella (* around 1680 in Treviso ; † around 1740 there) was an Italian cellist , composer and conductor of the Baroque .

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Domenico Dalla Bella was the cathedral music director in Treviso at the beginning of the 18th century. He composed his church music in the strict polyphonic style antico , in the double-choir style of Venice and in the concert style with instrumental accompaniment. The works that have survived include masses, a requiem, a two-choir Te Deum with instruments ad libitum, two four-part Gloria with strings, as well as several motets and psalm settings.

Around 1700 Dalla Bella had his collection of trio sonatas for 2 violins, obbligato cello and organ op. 1 printed in Venice. Only reprints of these works by Estienne Roger from Amsterdam from 1704 have survived. Four sonatas for cello and basso continuo have been preserved as manuscripts . All sonatas follow the four-movement type of the church sonata, the trio sonatas with the typical interplay in the upper parts are based on the models of Arcangelo Corelli .

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Individual evidence

  1. Danilo Prefumo: Domenico Dalla Bella in Dictionnaire Biografico degli Italiani (1985)
  2. ^ Robert Eitner : Biographical-bibliographical source lexicon of musicians and music scholars of the Christian era up to the middle of the nineteenth century. Volume 1: Aa - Bertali. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig 1900, p. 420 .