Donald Devenish Walsh

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Donald Devenish Walsh , also briefly Donald D. Walsh (born October 31, 1903 , † May 23, 1980 in Madison (Connecticut) ) was an American didactic and translator, Romance scholar and Hispanist.

life and work

Walsh taught French and Spanish at the Choate School (now Choate Rosemary Hall ) in Wallingford, Connecticut . From 1949 to 1956 he published the magazine Hispania . He translated Pablo Neruda , Ernesto Cardenal and others into American English.


  • (Ed.) Seis relatos americanos , New York 1943
  • Introductory Spanish , New York 1946; A brief introduction to Spanish , 1950
  • (Ed.) Cuentos Americanos con algunos versos , New York 1948
  • What's what. A list of useful terms for the teacher of modern languages , New York 1965
  • A handbook for teachers of Spanish and Portuguese , Lexington, Mass. 1969


  • Robert G. Mead, Jr., Donald Devenish Walsh 1903-1980, in: Hispania 63, 1980, pp. 640-642
  • Ernesto Cardenal, Pluriverse. New and Selected Poems , New York 2009, p. 243 (biographical note)