Doomed Child

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Doomed Child
Studio GermanyGermany Holysoft GmbH
Publisher GermanyGermany Holy Productions GmbH
Senior Developer David Holy (producer)
composer Hitoshi Sakimoto
Xbox One, PS4, Windows:
December 6, 2021
platform Windows , Xbox One
Game engine Unity engine
genre Jump 'n' run
Game mode Single player
control Keyboard and mouse , gamepad
system advantages
  • Windows 7 or newer
  • Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 with 2.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+ with 2.8 GHz
  • 4 GB of RAM
  • 1 GB graphics card (from GeForce 240 GT or Radeon HD 6570)
  • DirectX 9.0c
  • 8 GB storage space
medium Download
language English , German
copy protection Without
Age rating
USK approved from 16
PEGI recommended for ages 12 and up

Doomed Child is an action platformers Run game, with RPG is developed elements, by David Holy and his production studio Holysoft Studios Inc.. The game was launched on September 30, 2019 in the form of an early alpha version. The game is based on the radio play The Doomed Child from the radio play series The Last Heroes .


The player controls the "Doomed Knight", a character with split personality. It is not known what caused this schizophrenia, and so the player always has two options to react to events: as a cold-blooded assassin or as a maddened maniac. At the beginning, the player makes his way to the fortress of the Black Death, because he wants to address Death to irregularities in the realm of the dead. More and more souls come from the world of the living. But above all, one soul is prevented from entering the realm of the dead: the doomed child. Since this violates every rule of the realm of the dead, the Doomed Knight seeks death to solve the mystery. Death, on the other hand, banishes the warrior, who then declares war on black death.


The game is divided into three game mechanics. In the form of an action platformer, the player moves through varied 2D levels that are connected to one another with a world map that can be walked on in 3D. Well-known games with this type of gameplay are the Gameboy adventures Gargoyles Quest and Zelda 2 . In the 2D levels, as is common in Metroidvania titles , the player has numerous possibilities to challenge the levels with different skills. The humor plays a major role here and there is a "talk" button especially for this purpose, where the character is constantly making jokes or meaningless information and comments. On the 3D map of the upper world, the player can visit cities and explore the upper world. An optional airship is also available later in the game. The player also has the task of building an army. To do this, he can build a base and upgrade it. The upgrades are made through the characters, so-called souls, that he can collect. Most of these souls are trapped in the realm of the dead. Later in the game, the player has to fight with his army against enemy armies of the dead.


Doomed Knight There are many legends about him and he is largely left undisturbed by everyone when he wanders around the realm of the dead. His character is split between madness and the lust for murder. The origins of this split in character are not known. Many in the realm of the dead claim, however, that this is normal madness for someone who has lived in the realm of the dead for so long. He is also the master of the city of "Morden", a transshipment point for all kinds of rabble and murderers. Everyone who stood in the way of the Doomed Knight has mysteriously disappeared, so he is credited with the ability to finally wipe out existences.

Adran, the doomed child Adran is an orphan boy whom several mighty men seek after death. Why is not known, only that the doomed child, even when he dies, always returns to life. In the radio play "Das todgebeite Kind" the story of the boy until his journey into the realm of the dead is told.

Liber Elementis Magicis The magic book contains all the secrets of the world and is the incarnation of an all-knowing and all-embracing work. It also serves as a compendium for all game background information in the game. Since the magic tome is also on the move in different time levels, there is not just one incarnation of the work. The Liber Elemtnis Magicis is bound by certain rules and may not divulge all of its knowledge. The work usually behaves arrogantly and arrogantly to other counterparts, since he feels almost everyone he meets as ignorant and stupid.

Albin Adersin Not much is known about the mysterious trader other than that he has several siblings and all of them have the same name. He emerges from the others in a moment and knows no boundaries here. There are old records that show that the trader has been hurrying around the world for centuries. It can be found wherever historical events take place.

The Black Death The Black Death is the ruler of the realm of the dead. Although there are multiple regional rulers, death has usurped control. But his greed for power knows no bounds, and so has come up with a diabolical plan.


role German voice actor
Doomed Knight, calamity Jan-David Rönfeldt
Doomed Knight, madness Hennes Bender
Liber Elementis Magicis Hans Georg Panczak
Albin Adersin Klaus Dieter Klebsch
The black death Thomas Friebe

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