Double ringed plover

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Double ringed plover
Double ringed plover (Charadrius bicinctus)

Double ringed plover ( Charadrius bicinctus )

Order : Plover-like (Charadriiformes)
Family : Plover (Charadriidae)
Genre : Charadrius
Type : Double ringed plover
Scientific name
Charadrius bicinctus
Jardine & Selby , 1827

The double-banded plover ( Charadrius bicinctus ) English Banded Dotterel and Double-banded Plover is a wading bird of the family of Plover (Charadriidae).


The species is quite common on the South Island of New Zealand , but is rarely found in the north. The nominate form is a partial migrant that breeds in New Zealand and the Chatham Islands and overwinters in Australia , New Caledonia , Vanuatu and Fiji , other specimens stay in New Zealand. The subspecies of the Auckland Islands is sedentary, with some birds migrating to the coast from their territories. The species lives on beaches, mud flats, grasslands and open ground.


The double ringed plover is a small wader up to 18 cm long .

Adult birds in the breeding plumage are white with a dark gray-brown back and have a clearly defined brown chest and a thin black band under the neck, between the eyes and beak. Younger birds have no ribbons and are often speckled brown on top with fewer white areas.

The eggs are speckled gray and black. This means they are well camouflaged on the river stones and gravel, which form the main part of the very simple nest.


Two subspecies are recognized, the nominate form Charadrius bicinctus bicinctus breeds in New Zealand and on the Chatham Islands , Charadrius bicinctus exilis in the Auckland Islands .


  • Stephen Marchant (Ed.), PJ Higgins (Ed.) Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds: Volume 2: Raptors to Lapwings. Oxford University Press 1994, ISBN 978-0-19-553069-8 .

Web links

Commons : Double-banded Ringed Plover ( Charadrius bicinctus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files