Double tax
A double control is a double arrangement of control elements in an aircraft , which makes it possible to control the aircraft in parallel from two operating positions. This option is used in particular on training aircraft to give the flight instructor the opportunity to intervene in what is happening. The dual control system is also used in commercial aircraft , primarily for reasons of flight safety , but also when, for example, pilots on long-haul flights have to switch positions.
For most aircraft types, dual control is a prerequisite for flights under instrument flight conditions ( IFR ). Aircraft types that have the "Single Pilot Certification" may only be flown by one pilot.
- Wilfried Copenhagen : Transpress Lexicon Aviation . 4th, revised edition. Transpress , Berlin 1979, p. 147 .
- Heinz A. F. Schmidt: Meyers Taschenlexikon - Aviation . Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1967, p. 96 .