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Dorimachus ( Greek Δορίμαχος) was a strategist of the Aitolian League .

Together with Skopas he won 221/220 BC. Chr. Against the Messinian Federation plundered 220/219 and Epirus , where he the sanctuary of Zeus of Dodona put on fire. To distract King Philip V of Macedon from the siege of the city of Pale , he attacked Thessaly . However, the Macedonians passed him to Aitolia and defeated it before Dorimachus could come to the rescue. In 212 Dorimachus tried as princeps Aitolorum ( Titus Livius ) to obtain an alliance with Rome against King Philip. A year later he could not prevent the Macedonian conquest of Echinos, even with Roman support . In 205/204 Dorimachus and Skopas were elected nomothets and given the task of reducing the high debts of Aitolia. However, their proposals were rejected and Skopas fled to Egypt in the face of his failure. As the ambassador of Aitolia in Alexandria , Dorimachus carried out 198 BC. For the condemnation of Scopas.
