Dorinha Rezende

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MP Dorinha Rezende (2012)

Maria Auxiliadora Seabra Rezende (born October 1, 1964 in Goiânia ), known as Professora Dorinha , is a Brazilian politician of the Democrat party .

Auxiliadora (Dorinha) Rezende is the daughter of Antônio dos Santos Seabra and Maria Consuêlo Bastos Seabra. She graduated from the Universidade de Goiás in 1987 with a degree in pedagogy , specialized in literacy and graduated in 1997 as a Magister (mestrado) from the same university. She then worked as a teacher and in various positions as a coordinator in the education system, including as State Secretary for Education in the state of Tocantins .

In 1995 she joined the Democratas. She was elected for the 54th (2011-2015), 55th (2015-2019) and 56th legislative period from 2019 to 2023 as a federal representative for Tocantins in the Chamber of Deputies of the Brazilian National Congress.

She positioned herself politically when she voted for the impeachment proceedings of Dilma Rousseff and against the constitutional amendment known as PEC 241 "Emenda Constitucional do Teto dos Gastos Públicos" (change to the upper limit for public spending). She was in favor of the 2017 labor reform and against the lawsuit before the Supreme Court against President Michel Temer for possible corruption.

In 2016, Rezende was sentenced in the first instance to 5 years in prison by the Supreme Federal Court for illegally allocating funds without proper advertisements for the purchase of school books. Between December 2002 and January 2004, she held the position of State Secretary for Education in Tocantins. In the second instance on appeal, however, she was acquitted, saying that no criminal activity had been proven.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Perfil de Professora Dorinha no portal da Câmara. Retrieved July 9, 2020 .
  2. Emenda Constitucional nº 95 de 15 dezembro de 2016. In: Presidência da República, Casa Civil, accessed July 9, 2020 (Brazilian, Portuguese).
  3. Reforma Trabalhista: como os votaram Deputados - Carta Capital. In:, April 27, 2017, archived from the original on April 27, 2017 ; accessed on July 9, 2020 .
  4. Como votou cada deputado sobre a denúncia contra Temer - CartaCapital. In:, August 3, 2017, archived from the original on September 20, 2017 ; accessed on July 9, 2020 .
  5. ^ Fausto Macedo: STF condena deputada Professora Dorinha a 5 anos de detenção por fraude. In: Estadão , August 31, 2016, archived from the original on September 19, 2018 ; accessed on July 9, 2020 .