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The division of living beings into systematics is a continuous subject of research. Different systematic classifications exist side by side and one after the other. The taxon treated here has become obsolete due to new research or is not part of the group systematics presented in the German-language Wikipedia.

Doritis pulcherrima

The genus Doritis Lindl. belongs to the family of orchids ( Orchidaceae ). The genus name is currently a synonym for the genus Phalaenopsis , with which Doritis was merged.

The botanical name Doritis is derived from the Greek dory (spur) and results from the spur-like appearance of the mentum (chin) of the flower. Contrary to what is often described in the literature, Doritis grow predominantly terrestrially or lithophytically with some moss and humus . The plants are monopodial and have relatively stiff leaves. The inflorescence grows upright.


The plants of the genus Doritis can be found in northeast India , southern China , Burma , Vietnam , Thailand , Malaysia and Sumatra .


Treatment of the genus Doritis has long been problematic. One reason for this is that it was described either as a separate genus or as being integrated into the genus Phalaenopsis . On the other hand, it was described on the one hand as a monotypical genus with Doritis pulcherrima and its variations and forms as the only species, in another place as a genus with up to three species. For clarification, the following list shows both the former species names and the names as a variety.

  • Doritis pulcherrima Lindl. (currently: Phalaenopsis pulcherrima (Lindl.) JJSm. )
  • Doritis buyssoniana (Rchb.f.) JMHShaw ( Doritis pulcherrima var. Buyssoniana (Rchb.f.) Aver. ) (Currently: Phalaenopsis buyssoniana Rchb.f. )
  • Doritis regnieriana (Rchb.f.) Holttum ( Doritis pulcherrima . Var regnieriana . (Rchb.f.) Aver ) (currently: Phalaenopsis pulcherrima var. Regnieriana (Rchb.f.) O.Gruss & WEHiggins )


Doritis pulcherrima
with deformed petals
  • A. Kocyan, A. Schuiteman: New combinations in Aeridinae (Orchidaceae) in Phytotaxa 161 (1): 061-085 (2014). DOI: 10.11646 / phytotaxa.161.1.3
  • PJ Cribb, A. Schuiteman: Phalaenopsis - Classification in Renziana 2: 14-15 (2012)
  • O. Gruss, M. Wolff: Phalaenopsis. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, 1995, ISBN 3-8001-6551-1 . (German)
  • EA Christenson: Phalaenopsis - A Monograph. Timber Press, 2001, ISBN 0-88192-494-6 . (English)
  • Phalaenopsis. In: Orchid Digest. Vol. 66 (4), The Orchid Digest Corporation 2002. (English)

Web links

Commons : Phalaenopsis  - album with pictures