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Dogfish (Squalus acanthias)

Dogfish ( Squalus acanthias )

Subclass : Euselachii
Subclass : Plate gill (Elasmobranchii)
without rank: Sharks (selachii)
Superordinate : Squalomorphii
Order : Spiny dogfish (Squaliformes)
Family : Dogfish
Scientific name
Blainville , 1816

The family dogfish (Squalidae) is the world, in the Atlantic , Pacific and Indian Ocean common. They live in cool as well as in tropical seas and stay mainly over the shelf areas of continents and islands and over seamounts . The best-known representative is the dogfish ( Squalus acanthias ), which is also found in the North Sea and the Mediterranean .

What all dogfish have in common is the absence of the anal fin , a feature that they have in common with angel sharks and saw sharks . There is an unnotched spine in front of both dorsal fins . The caudal fin stalk has lateral keels. Dogfish are between 50 centimeters and 1.20 meters long.

All dogfish are ovoviviparous , which means that the embryos hatch from their egg capsules in the womb and develop in the uterine region to birth size and are then born alive. One also speaks of "aplacental viviparia ".

Genera and species

Mandarin Schnauz Dogfish (
Cirrhigaleus barbifer )
Long-nosed dogfish ( Squalus blainville )
Cuban dogfish ( Squalus cubensis )
Small peaks dogfish ( Squalus mitsukurii )

There are two genera with over 35 species :


Web links

Commons : Dogfish  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ William T. White, Peter R. Last, John D. Stevens: Cirrhigaleus australis n. Sp., A new Mandarin dogfish (Squaliformes: Squalidae) from the south-west Pacific Zootaxa 1560, 2007: pp. 19-30.
  2. Viana, STFL & Carvalho, MR (2020): Squalus shiraii sp. nov. (Squaliformes, Squalidae), a new species of dogfish shark from Japan with regional nominal species revisited. Zoosystematics and Evolution, 96 (2): 275-311. DOI: 10.3897 / zse.96.51962