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A Dorobanze in summer and winter gear (1857).

The Dorobanzen were the territorial regiments of the Romanian infantry during the time of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy .

The service of the Dorobanzen was nine years, of which five years in the active territorial army and four years in the reserve . After leaving the Territorial Army, the Dorobanzees were compulsory up to the age of 36 in the Landwehr ( Militie ) and then up to the 46th year including in the Landsturm ( Glóte ).

The standing army and the territorial army were gradually merged. Each Dorobanzen regiment consisted of three battalions of four companies each , one permanent and two territorial battalions. A permanent battalion consisted of 400 men in peacetime, 40 men in exchange service, and 1,140 men in wartime. The teams were well trained and quite capable of fighting. They were particularly active in the Russo-Turkish War off Plevna .

The Dorobanzen should not be confused with the Domobranzen in Slovenia or the Domobrani in Croatia.