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Dorotheanthus bellidiformis

Dorotheanthus bellidiformis

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Midday flowers (Aizoaceae)
Subfamily : Ruschioideae
Genre : Dorotheanthus
Scientific name

Dorotheanthus is a genus of plants belonging to the Aizoaceae family. The generic name Dorotheanthus was given by Gustav Schwantes in honor of his mother Dorothea.


They are succulent plants. The color of the radial symmetry flowers ranges from white, pink, orange to yellow and they have a diameter of up to 5 centimeters. The flowering period is from August to mid-October.

Systematics and distribution

The species grow in South Africa ( Capensis ) in the flat, sandy plains of the Cape Peninsula and along the west coast up to Springbok , they are particularly numerous near the cities of Ysterfontein and Darling.

The genus includes the following species:



  • Dorotheanthus : In: Gideon Smith u. a .: Mesembs of the World: Illustrated Guide to a Remarkable Succulent Group . Briza Publications 1998, ISBN 1-875093-13-3 , pp. 70-73.

Individual evidence

  1. Systax University of Ulm
  2. Dorotheanthus : In: Gideon Smith u. a .: Mesembs of the World: Illustrated Guide to a Remarkable Succulent Group . Briza Publications 1998, p. 72