Doxocopa laurentia

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Doxocopa laurentia
Doxocopa laurentia, male in the Iguazú National Park

Doxocopa laurentia , male in the Iguazú National Park

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Noble butterfly (Nymphalidae)
Subfamily : Common Schiller Butterfly (Apaturinae)
Genre : Doxocopa
Type : Doxocopa laurentia
Scientific name
Doxocopa laurentia
( Godart , 1824)
Female, upside
Male, underside

Doxocopa laurentia is a butterfly ( butterflies )found in Central and South Americafromthe noble butterfly family (Nymphalidae).



The wingspan of the moth is about 75 millimeters. The outer edge of the wing is jagged. The species is characterized by a strong sexual dimorphism . Both sexes have a black-brown upper wing surface. In the case of the males this is provided with broad, metallic blue or turquoise iridescent stripes, which in the case of the females are white. These also show a large yellow spot near the apex . In both sexes, the underside of the wing is yellow-gray and streaked with a mostly faint dark transverse band.


The caterpillars feed on the leaves of hackberry trees ( Celtis ). When fully grown, they are green in color, sharply tapered towards the anal segment, and show a pair of distinct horns on the head.

Similar species

Female Doxocopa laure and Doxocopa pavon moths are very similar to Doxocopa laurentia , but differ primarily in the gray or brown underside of the wing, which shows a silvery or whitish sheen.

Distribution, subspecies and habitat

In addition to the in Brazil occurring nominate Doxocopa laurentia laurentia two more subspecies known:

The species mainly inhabits subtropical forests at altitudes between 300 and 1600 meters. In Peru it is restricted to the eastern slopes of the Andes .

Way of life

The males are very faithful to their location. They sometimes suckle on damp places in the earth, overripe fruits, carrion or excrement. The females stay almost constantly in the higher tree regions.

Individual evidence

  1. Doxocopa-laurentia inaturalist
  2. dissemination

Web links

Commons : Doxocopa laurentia  - collection of images, videos and audio files