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Drapage (French : drapé : folds; draper : wrapping yourself in a cloak) is a creative technique for developing clothes .

The garment is developed in nettle cloth (raw cotton quality) on a tailor's bust by manipulating the fabric (cutting, pinching, twisting). The direct reference to the human body makes it easier to find the right proportions, interesting lines and the definition of the silhouette to be developed .

Drapage is used both for the technical implementation of the fashion designs or fashion sketches and for the search for ideas. The technical implementation is about the realization of an already designed piece of clothing. The model maker models the drawn garment on the bust and in this way develops and optimizes the pattern for it. In the search for ideas, the focus is on the creative examination of the material and the shapes of the human body. The fashion designer experiments with the material on the bust, by constantly changing and observing he tries to find an individual design language for his silhouette. Madeleine Vionnet and Alix Gres are the most famous fashion designers who have designed and realized their clothes exclusively through drapage.

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