Script software

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Screenplay software are computer programs used to develop, write, and revise scripts .


The original need for script software is based on the specific formal requirements for scripts , which generic word processing programs do not satisfy satisfactorily. The standard tools of script programs include special layout , formatting and page break functions as well as options for revising scripts in terms of content and production.

In the meantime, some script programs also include functions for story and script development (e.g. outlining , structuring , creation of character and narrative arcs ) or for film production (e.g. collaboration , creation of shooting schedules or calculations ). Additional software is available as plug-ins for generic word processing programs such as Microsoft Word .

List of programs


  • Riley, Christopher: The Hollywood Standard: The Complete and Authoritative Guide to Script Format and Style. 2009.
  • Schabenbeck, Martin: The script in Hollywood format. Heidelberg 2008.

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