Three-color trilogy

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The three-color trilogy is a film - trilogy by the Polish director Krzysztof Kieślowski created in 1993 and 1994 respectively. These were the last films by Kieślowski, who died in 1996.

In these films shot in France , Poland and Switzerland, Kieślowski uses the three colors of the French national flag ( tricolore ) as the title and the three components of the French motto freedom, equality, fraternity as the theme of the respective film. Similar to his series Decalogue , these topics were deliberately implemented ambiguously and with an ironic undertone. Nevertheless, Kieślowski said that the films do not deal specifically with French, but rather universal concepts that all humanity is grappling with.

Not only were all three films shot almost simultaneously, but they were set in different locations at the same time. As the end of the third part shows, the main characters of the three films are also survivors of a ferry accident. There are also “encounters” between the films. A scene in blue takes place in a courthouse. Julie ( Juliette Binoche ) accidentally enters a courtroom in which a white hearing is taking place, you can briefly look into the room and see the main actors in white and hear the sentence "Where's the equality?" This scene is shown in white from the perspective of the negotiating room, so you can see the “strange” actress looking in through the door.

When asked why he designed a trilogy and not a single film, Kieslowski said he wanted to approach the subject with a kind of relativism : “Because it makes everything more interesting. Different views are inherently more interesting than a single view. Because I don't have the answers, but I know how to ask questions, it suits me to keep the door open to different possibilities. "

Individual films


Individual evidence

  1. Jonathan Romney: Krzysztof Kieslowski - interview for Three Colors Blue. In: The Guardian . October 15, 1993, accessed September 3, 2016 .
  2. Tony Rayns: Glowing in the Dark . In: Sight & Sound . tape 4 , no. 6 , 1994, pp. 8 .