Drentse Patrijshond

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Drentse Patrijshond
Drentse Patrijshond
about five years old Drentsche Patrijshonde male
FCI Standard No. 224
1.2 ' Spaniel ' type
Origin :


Alternative names:

Drentsche Patrijshond

Withers height:

Males 58–63 cm,
bitches 55–60 cm,
an excess of one or two centimeters is acceptable provided the dog is well proportioned

List of domestic dogs

Drentse Patrijshond (Drentscher Chicken Dog ) is a Dutch breed of dog recognized by the FCI ( No. 224, Gr. 7, Sec. 1.2 ).

Origin and history

This breed originated in the 16th century and is descended from dogs that came to the Netherlands via France from Spain. In the east of the country, especially in the province of Drente, they were kept pure and not mixed with other dog breeds as elsewhere. In 1943 the dog was then recognized by the Raad van Beheer op Kynologische Gebied .

Brief description

The Drentse Patrijshond is well proportioned and can grow up to 63 cm. The stature shows that he has the speed required for a hunting dog .

The hair is thick and covers the body well. It's not long everywhere, but because some parts of the body like the neck and fore-chest are covered with long hair, it gives the impression. The color of the hair is white with brown spots, with or without pitting. The area around the eyes and the hangings are brown.

Its ears are not heavy and are set high.

Behavior and character

The Drentse Patrijshond is an ideal hunting dog for all types of terrain. One of his innate virtues is that he stays in constant contact with the hunter. It is adaptable and can therefore hunt different types of game, whether on land or in the water. He is also a good pet dog . He needs little training as all of these qualities are innate.

He has a gentle character, which is why he should not be trained using coercive methods. He is also intelligent and loyal. If he is educated and trained well, he is a good family dog and companion of the hunter.

Web links

Commons : Drentscher Hühnerhund  - Collection of images, videos and audio files