Droplaugarsona saga

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The Droplaugarsona saga ( saga of the sons of the Droplaug ) is an Icelandic saga that was written by an unknown hand around 1250.

It is set in East Iceland in the second half of the 10th century.

Secondary literature

  • Claudia Müller: Narrated knowledge. The Icelandic sagas in the Möðruvallabók (AM 132 fol.) (= Texts and studies on German and Scandinavian studies. Volume 47). Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2001 (also dissertation, University of Bonn 1999).
  • Jónas Kristjánsson: Eddas and Sagas. Medieval literature of Iceland . Transferred by Magnús Pétursson and Astrid van Nahl. H. Buske, Hamburg 1994, pp. 255 f.
  • Kurt Schier : Saga literature (= Metzler Collection. Volume 78). Metzler, Stuttgart 1970.
  • Rudolf Simek , Hermann Pálsson : Lexicon of Old Norse Literature (= Kröner's pocket edition . Volume 490). Kröner, Stuttgart 1987, ISBN 3-520-49001-3 .

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