Drusus and the fortune teller

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Drusus and the fortune teller is a legend that takes place in Roman times in the area of ​​today's Magdeburg .


After Drusus reached the Elbe after heavy fighting in the area of ​​today's Magdeburg , he had monuments and columns erected to mark his victory over the Semnones and Hermundurs . In the Magdeburg area there was even a temple dedicated to Venus . While riding in the woods, he met a superhuman fortune teller. The fortune teller asked Drusus: Where in the world are you going, insatiable Dursus . Frozen with shock, Drusus was unable to answer. So the fortune-teller then continued to reverse, because the end of your deeds and your life has come! . Drusus heeded the fortune-teller's warning and set out on his way back. In spite of everything, however, he did not reach his homeland, as he died of an accident on the way to the Rhine .

Historical background

Drusus, a stepson of Augustus , received at the beginning of the year 12 BC The supreme command of a force of 60,000 foot soldiers and riders for an offensive against the Germanic tribes , which went down in history as the Drusus campaigns . On the way back from the Cheruscan region to the Rhine, he fell from his horse and died as a result.

Individual proof

  1. ^ A b Axel Kühling: Magdeburg legends, first part . Delta-D, 2001, p. 6 .
  2. Klaus-Peter Johne : The Romans on the Elbe. The Elbe river basin in the geographical view of the world and in the political consciousness of Greco-Roman antiquity. De Gruyter, Berlin a. a., 2014, ISBN 978-3-05-007739-0 , pp. 98-102 .