Duke of Chaulnes

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The title Duke of Chaulnes was created in favor of Honoré d'Albert and linked to the title of Peer of France . The title referred to the municipality of Chaulnes in Picardy .

The appointment was part of a series of surveys with which King Louis XIII. thanked for the coup d'état of 1617, with which Honoré's brother Albert von Chaulnes in particular gave him real power against his mother Maria de 'Medici :

  • April 24, 1617 Assassination of Concino Concinis , Marshal of France , then Marie de 'Medici is exiled and Charles d'Albert is appointed First Minister.
  • September 11, 1617 Charles d'Albert marries the daughter of the Duke of Montbazon
  • August 1619: Charles is appointed Duke of Luynes and Peer of France ,
  • December 6, 1619: Honoré is appointed Marshal of France
  • January 6, 1620: Léon d'Albert, brother of Charles and Honoré, marries the Duchess of Luxembourg and subsequently appointed Peer of France
  • January 14, 1620: Honoré marries the heiress of the House of Ailly , the Comtesse de Chaulnes
  • January 1621: Honoré is appointed Duke of Chaulnes and Peer of France
  • 2 April 1621: Charles becomes the Constable of France appointed
  • December 15, 1621: Charles d'Albert dies.

As Honoré's children remained without descendants, the title lapsed in 1698 and was revived in 1711 in favor of Charles Honoré d'Albert , Duc de Luynes. This line also died out in 1793. Since the 19th century the title has been used again within the Albert family, but now as "titre de courtoisie" (courtesy title).

Lords of Chaulnes

  • Jean II. De Brimeu († 1441), Seigneur de Humbercourt , de Chaulnes et de Fonches , Bailli of Amiens, Burgundian councilor and treasurer ( House of Brimeu )
  • Jeanne de Brimeu, his daughter, heiress of Chaulnes and Fonches; ⚭ around 1441 Antoine d'Oignies, Seigneur de Bruay, † 1478
  • Gilles d'Oignies († 1508), Seigneur de Chaulnes et de Bruay;
  • Philippe d'Oignies, Seigneur de Chaulnes

Counts of Chaulnes

  • Louis d'Ongnies, his son, 1st Comte de Chaulnes (December 1563).
  • François d'Ongnies († 1567), his son, 2nd Comte de Chaulnes;
  • Charles d'Ongnies, his brother, 3rd Comte de Chaulnes
  • Son , 4th Comte de Chaulnes, without offspring
  • Louise d'Ongnies, Comtesse de Chaulnes, ⚭ 1594 Philibert Emmanuel d'Ailly († 1619), Vidame d'Amiens , Seigneur de Picquigny ( House of Ailly )
  • Claire Charlotte Eugénie d'Ailly († 1681), Comtesse de Chaulnes, Dame de Picquigny, Vidamesse d'Amiens, ⚭ 1620, Honoré d'Albert ( Albert House )

Dukes of Chaulnes

  • 1621–1649: Honoré d'Albert (1581–1649), 1st Duc de Chaulnes, Pair de France
  • 1649–1653: Henri-Louis d'Albert († 1653), his son, 2nd Duc de Chaulnes et Vidame d'Amiens, Pair de France
  • 1653–1698: Charles d'Albert d'Ailly (1625–1698), his brother, 3rd Duc de Chaulnes, Pair de France
  • In 1667 Charles Honoré d'Albert was appointed heir to the duchy, and in 1711 Chaulnes was again elevated to the status of a duché pair
  • 1711–1712: Charles Honoré d'Albert (1646–1712), 1690 Duc de Luynes, 1690–1692 Duc de Chevreuse , 1692 Duc de Montfort-l'Amaury , October 1711 4. Duc de Chaulnes, Pair de France
  • 1712–1744: Louis-August d'Albert (1678–1744), his son, 5th Duc de Chaulnes, Pair de France, 1741 Marshal of France
  • 1744–1769: Michel-Ferdinand d'Albert (1714–1769), his son, 6th Duc de Chaulnes, 1762 Duc de Picquigny, Pair de France
  • 1769–1793: Joseph-Louis d'Albert (1741–1792), his son, 7th Duc de Chaulnes, Duc de Picquigny, Pair de France
  • The Duchy of Chaulnes reverts to the Duke of Luynes
  • 1793–1839 Charles Marie Paul André d'Albert de Luynes (1783–1839), 7th Duc de Luynes, 8th Duc de Chaulnes.
  • 1839–1867: Honoré Théodoric Paul Joseph d'Albert de Luynes (1802–1867), his son, 8th Duc de Luynes, 9th Duc de Chaulnes
  • Paul-Marie d'Albert (1852–1881), 10th Duc de Chaules, Duc de Picquigny (as a courtesy title)
  • Emmanuel Théodore Bernard Marie d'Albert (1878–1908), his son, 11th Duc de Chaulnes, Duc de Picquigny (as a courtesy title)
  • Emmanuel Théodore Bernard Marie (1908–1980), his son, 12th Duc de Chaulnes, Duc de Picquigny (as a courtesy title)
  • Jacques d'Albert (* 1946), 13th Duc de Chaulnes (as a courtesy title), younger brother of the Duc de Luynes