Dueodde Fyr

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Dueodde lighthouse
Dueodde lighthouse
Place: DenmarkDenmark Denmark , Bornholm
Location: Capital Region , Denmark
Geographical location: 54 ° 59 ′ 33 "  N , 15 ° 4 ′ 32"  E Coordinates: 54 ° 59 ′ 33 "  N , 15 ° 4 ′ 32"  E
Fire height : 48 m
Dueodde Fyr (Hovedstaden)
Dueodde Fyr
Construction time: 1960–1962
Operating time: since August 15, 1962


Dueodde Fyr is the tallest lighthouse in Denmark with a fire height of 48 m and is located in the south of Bornholm in the Dueodde beach area . The lighthouse was built in 1960–1962 and went into operation on August 15, 1962. The tower was built of reinforced concrete on a foundation of 14 m long reinforced concrete piles to ensure a good grip on the sandy ground.


The viewing platform can be visited in the summer season (May to September). Opening times and admission prices (as of August 8, 2015):

  • May 6th - June 28th: ​​Tuesday to Thursday and Sunday, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • June 29 - August 16: every day 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • August 18 - September 27: Tuesday to Thursday and Sunday, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • Admission: Adults DKK 10.00 , children (5–14 years): DKK 5.00


Web links

Commons : Dueodde Fyr  - collection of images, videos and audio files