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Durinn ( Old Norse ), also Durin , was the second dwarf created by the gods in Norse mythology . Only the following has come down from him:

"Then the councilors went to the judges'
chairs, the gods of the highest honor gave advice,
who should create the dwarven race
from Brimir's blood and blue limbs.

Then Modsognir became the mightiest of
these dwarfs, and Durin after him. The dwarfs of earth
made some of them human-like
, as Durin stated. "

- Völuspá, verse 10 f. (Translation by Karl Simrock )

In the mythological world of JRR Tolkien , Durin is the name of a dwarf progenitor.


Individual evidence

  1. Karl Simrock (ed.): The Edda, the older and younger, together with the mythical stories of the Skalda, 6th edition, Stuttgart 1876, page 4. Digital full-text edition in Wikisource, URL: http: //de.wikisource .org / w / index.php? title = Page: Die_Edda_ (1876) .djvu / 012&oldid=941426 (Version from December 17, 2009