Dynamite Dan

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Dynamite Dan is a Jump 'n' Run video game in side view ( Platformer ) in 1985 developed by Mirror Soft and for the 8-bit home computer systems Amstrad CPC , Commodore 64 , MSX and Spectrum ZX has been expelled.


The evil Dr. Blitzen has plans for a death ray with which he wants to subjugate the world. Dynamite Dan's job is to infiltrate the villain's hideout and secure the plans. At the start of the game, Dynamite Dan is with an airship on the roof of Dr. Landed Blitzen's hideout. The goal is to find eight sticks of dynamite hidden in random places , with these Dr. Blow open Blitzens safe and escape with the plans stored in it.

Game principle and technology

The game world consists of 48 rooms connected to one another in an 8x6 matrix, which are shown from the side in 2D. The edge spaces are connected to one another on the X-axis, so that the play world effectively results in a cylinder. In each room there are opponents that the player is not allowed to touch when moving through the rooms, otherwise he will lose a life. Laser barriers, falling from a great height and falling into the river below the building are also deadly, whereby the player can arm himself in the latter case by collecting a compressed air cylinder . Furthermore, Dynamite Dan continuously loses energy, which can be replenished by picking up randomly scattered food.

After successfully completing the game you will receive a code to be deciphered and a telephone number. At the time of the game's release, you could call this phone number and win a flight on an airship rented from Mirrorsoft. The background music at the start of the program and in the options menu is a cover version of the Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart .


The title has been compared several times to Jet Set Willy . In 1985 ZX Spectrum magazine Crash Magazine's readers' poll , Dynamite Dan was voted platforming game of the year, ahead of Monty on the Run . In the first test, Crash Magazine awarded 94%. The magazine Sinclair User awarded 5 out of 5 points, the three testers of Your Spectrum 6, 7 and 8 out of 10 points. In 2004, Your Sinclair magazine named Dynamite Dan in the list of the best Spectrum games of all time.

In 1986 Mirrorsoft released Dynamite Dan 2, a successor to ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Crash Magazine Issue 27
  2. Crash Magazine Issue 18
  3. Sinclair User # 042 , September 1985, p. 18.
  4. Your Spectrum 19, 10/1985, p. 42.
  5. ^ "Top 50 Games of All Time". Your Sinclair (Imagine Publishing). November 2004.