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The noble coat of arms of the noble family von Działyński, coat of arms community Ogończyk

Działyński is the name of a Polish noble family. The feminine form of the name is Działyńska .

The Działyńskis belonged to the coat of arms community Ogończyk, whose name is derived from their property, the village of Działynia in the Dobrin region . Piotr von Działyński († 1441) is considered the progenitor of the von Działyński family. In the 16th century , the Działyńskis began to expand their domain in the Dobriner Land to include lands in Royal Prussia . Close ties to the royal court allowed social advancement to the rank of senator. As a result, the Prussian line of the Działyńskis provided up to 16 senators from Poland and Poland-Lithuania . From the middle of the 17th century , the Działyńskis began moving to the Greater Poland region to expand, whereby they achieved decisive dominance within the noble clan, which was scattered over various lands.

The Działyńskis died out with Jan Kanty Działyński († 1880) in the male line.


  • Jan Działyński (* 1590 - † 1648), Starost von Pokrzywno, Voivode von Kulm
  • Tytus Działyński (* 1797; † 1861), Polish officer and art patron.

See also


  • The beginnings of the branch offices in Prussia and its neighboring countries - page 99
  • New general German nobility lexicon page 614
  • Herbarz polski Kaspra Niesieckiego, SJ Powiększony dodatkami z poźniejszych autorów rękopismów, dowodów- page 214
  • Dzieje Wielkopolski - page 323
  • Życie polityczne Prus Królewskich i Warmii w latach 1660-1703 - page 201