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EénNL ( German  Eine NL ) is a Dutch party. It is one of the parties thataroseduring the Lijst Pim Fortuyn (LPF)disintegration processand inherit it in substantial parts both in terms of personnel and program.


EénNL was founded on August 23, 2006 in the run-up to the upcoming parliamentary elections by Marco Pastors, who had been an alderman for the local party “Leefbar Rotterdam”, where Pim Fortuyn had also started his political ascent. Pastors also ran as the top candidate, with Joost Eerstmans taking second place in the list, who had previously been a member of the LPF in the Dutch lower house and who had retained his mandate after converting . The meaning of Eerdmans' was particularly emphasized by the long form of the party name "EénNL - The party of Marco Pastors and Joost Eerstmans". With Gerlof Jukema and Hans Smolders, two other former LPF MPs were on the list of candidates. In addition, some other well-known actors could be won for this, such as the chairman (until September 2006) of the Contactgroep Islam, Hikmat Mahawat Khan, the journalist Sander Simons and the youngest brother Pim Fortuyns Simon Fortuyn, who, however, was 30th on the list of candidates from the outset in a position that was hopeless for the election. A member of the VVD , Anton van Schijndel, also joined EénNL after he had been excluded from his parliamentary group and, together with Eerdmans, formed the Eerdmans-Van Schijndel group, which briefly formed a de facto group of the EénNL in parliament.

After Pastors had accused in an election advertisement on the radio that the threat of Islamization in the Netherlands was just as unlikely as the rise of the Nazis in the 1930s, the Islam Democrats party saw this as a vilification and tried to obtain an injunction against it. However, it failed in court.

EénNL ran in the 2006 parliamentary elections shortly after it was founded , but was greatly disappointed when, with 62,829 votes (0.6%), it became the party that narrowly missed (about 3,000 votes missing) the Dutch lower house . Since the elections, EénNL has effectively ceased all activity, the website has not received any updates, and the party no longer ran in the 2007 provincial elections.

Party platform

True to its own understanding of being the heir to Fortuyn's ideals, EénNL advocated fighting political Islam and severely limiting immigration in its election manifesto . Liberal-minded Muslims who want to integrate into Dutch society (Mahawat Khan belongs to the Ahmadiyya ) should be supported. The party was critical of the EU and spoke out against a European constitution and in favor of temporarily stopping accession negotiations with Turkey .

EénNL sought a complete reorganization of the state system. The objectives were the abolition of the upper house , the reduction of the number of representatives in the lower house from 150 to 100, the abolition of the provinces in favor of three economic core regions, the direct election of the prime minister and of mayors, more direct democracy and the abolition of the separate civil service right.

In economic matters, EénNL advocated tax cuts, both the use of nuclear energy and the further development of renewable energies should be demanded. Foreign health insurance companies should be approved to create more competition.

In addition to a general tightening of criminal law, EénNL advocated the privatization of prisons and the publication of photos of repeat offenders on the Internet.

Results in national elections

year be right percent +/- Seats +/-
2006 62,829 0.6% 0

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. nu.nl: "Pastors hoeft nazi-uitspraak niet terug te nemen", November 21, 2006 (Dutch)