Divinae Consortium Naturae

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With the Apostolic Constitution Divinae Consortium Naturae of August 15, 1971 Pope Paul VI. implemented the decisions of the Second Vatican Council regarding the rite of Confirmation . The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Order of the Sacraments developed a new order on the basis of the Council document " Sacrosanctum Concilium ". This constitution is the approval of the new liturgical order of Confirmation and contains the applicable definition of the essential elements of the Confirmation, which are then also anchored in the Codex Iuris Canonici (CIC, in German: Codex of Canonical Law ) No. 879-896 and in the “Ordo Confirmationis ”(order for the celebration of Confirmation) were printed. For a transitional phase until the end of 1972, the celebration of confirmation could continue to be used in the old rite, but the constitution stipulated that the order for the new rite of confirmation was binding for the entire Latin Church from January 1, 1973.

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Text of the Apostolic Constitution (Italian)