Pontificalis Romani

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The Apostolic Constitution Pontificalis Romani of Pope Paul VI. dated June 18, 1968 and is the approval of the liturgical order for the ordination of deacons , priests and bishops . After the Second Vatican Council of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (December 4, 1963) were based Sacrosanctum Concilium and the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (November 21, 1964) Lumen Gentium , in addition to the changes in the rites of the other sacraments , the Changed rites for consecration. From now on, these new liturgical ordinances should be used in celebrating consecrations. With a separate decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Order of the Sacraments of August 15, 1968, it was stipulated that from April 6, 1969, the regulation of the Roman pontifical was no longer allowed to apply and instead, from that day on, only the new liturgical order is to be used.

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